The Algebra Seminar
Our seminar is a combination of
- the Research Seminars of the FB8 Set Theory SET and the FB1 Algebra UA groups, with invited talks I by speakers from other universities, as well as talks by group members. These talks last usually 45-90 minutes.
- Talks by students S, who present the topic and/or results of their bachelor's or master's thesis, or a paper they have to write before their bachelor thesis. These talks last usually 30-90 minutes. See also the Announcement in TU Wien's Catalog of Classes.
Talks are given in German or English, depending on the audience and the speaker.
During the winter semester 2024 we usually meet on Fridays at 10:15 s.t. (unless indicated otherwise) in the "Dissertantenraum", which is in the green zone on the 8th(!)floor of the "Freihaus Building" (Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10, 1040 Wien). The "Bespr 5.Stock" is also in green zone of the Freihaus building, but on the 5th floor. Occasionally there may be a second talk in the afternoon, in which case the precise time is indicated.
Until further notice, our meetings will take place "in person" only, in the Dissertantenraum (TU Freihaus, 8th floor, green area).
Please send an email to algebra (a) if you want to be on our mailing list. (Or, as the case may be, if you want to be removed from the list.)
Upcoming lectures
Vorbesprechung am 07.03.2025 um 10:15.
- 2025-03-07 11:15! I SET
- Sakaé Fuchino
- Extendibility and Laver-generic large cardinal axioms abstract
- 2025-03-14 I UA
- Alberto Miguel-Gómez
- Model-theoretic properties of hypertournaments abstract
- 2025-03-28 S UA
- Lisa Philipp
- tba
- 2025-04-04 UA
- Paolo Marimon (Minimal Operations over Permutation Groups)
Past lectures
- 2025-01-31 S UA
- Adam Madejski
- Über den freien orthomodularen Verband mit zwei Erzeugenden abstract
- 2025-01-24 S SET
- Benjamin Kattnig
- Die Kontinuumshypothese und das Auswahlaxiom abstract
- 2025-01-17 S UA
- Sebastian Grman
- Generalizations of Birkhoff's theorem for clones abstract
- 2025-01-10 S UA
- Enzo Kitt
- On the number of constantive Mal'cev clones on a finite set abstract
- 2024-12-13 S SET
- Daniel Weichhart
- Äquivalenzen des Ultrafiltertheorems in der mengentheoretischen Topologie abstract
- 2024-12-06 SET
- Lukas Koschat
- Towards canonical sets of sets of reals and full models of LSA in L(uB) abstract
- 2024-11-29 I SET
- Takashi Yamazoe
- Cichoń's maximum with cardinals of the closed null ideal abstract
- 2024-11-22 S UA
- Robin Sypniewski
- Decidability of pp-interpretability abstract
- 2024-11-08 I UA
- Ivan Chajda
- The logic with unsharp implication and negation abstract
- 2024-11-08 13:30! Zeichensaal 1! (8. Stock) I UA
- Radomir Halas
- On generating sets of aggregation clones abstract
- 2024-10-25 S UA
- Christoph Spiess
- Omega-categorical sandwiches for Promise Constraint Satisfaction Problems abstract
- 2024-10-18 I SET
- Aleksander Cieślak
- Covering of density zero sets and the splitting ideal abstract
- 2024-10-11 S UA
- Jonathan Theil
- Loop Conditions abstract
- 2024-06-14 UA
- Roman Feller
- The graph orientation problem for forbidden tournaments abstract
- 2024-06-14 13:30! ZS3! S UA
- Manuel Schweigler
- An Algorithm for solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Few Subpowers abstract
- 2024-06-07 10:15 SET
- William Chan
- Cardinality of Sets Under Determinacy abstract
- 2024-06-07 11:15 SET
- Farmer Schlutzenberg
- Large cardinals, inner models and the Axiom of Choice abstract
- 2024-05-24 S UA
- Lukas Prem
- Fundamentalgruppe lokal endlicher Graphen abstract
- 2024-05-24 16:00! Sem.R. DB gelb 10! I UA
- Zaniar Ghadernezhad
- The small index property of some Hrushovski constructions abstract
- 2024-04-19 I UA
- Robert Sullivan
- Generic embeddings into Fraïssé structures abstract
- 2024-03-15 SET
- Peter Holy
- Compactness of strong logics abstract
- 2024-01-19 13:15! S UA
- Nadja Azzouz
- Quadratische Zahlkörper abstract
- 2024-01-19 UA
- Clemens Schindler
- On the Zariski topology on endomorphism monoids of omega-categorical structures abstract
- 2024-01-12 S SET
- Daniel Mayr
- Äquivalenzen des Auswahlaxioms in der Kardinalzahlarithmetik abstract
- 2023-12-15 UA
- Piotr Kawałek
- Satisfiability of circuits and equations in algebras abstract
- 2023-12-05 Tue! 15:00! FH HS6! I UA
- Colin Jahel
- Asymptotic theory and homomorphically avoided structures abstract
- 2023-11-17 UA
- Paolo Marimon
- Measures in higher arity homogeneous structures abstract
- 2023-11-10 UA
- Johanna Brunar
- Identities in finite Taylor algebras abstract
- 2023-10-20 S SET
- Max Scheiderbauer
- Forcing und die Kontinuumshypothese abstract
- 2023-10-13 S UA
- Jonathan Theil
- Mal'cev conditions abstract
- 2023-06-12 S I SET
- Various Speakers
- Mini Workshop in Set Theory abstract
- 2023-05-26 UA
- Clemens Schindler
- The semigroup of monotone functions on the rational numbers has a unique Polish topology abstract
- 2023-05-12 SET
- Takehiko Gappo
- Chang-type models of determinacy abstract
- 2023-03-24 UA
- Albert Vucaj
- Clones over finite sets up to minor-equivalence abstract
- 2023-03-17 SET
- Claudio Agostini
- From algebra to combinatorics through dynamics: some results in Ramsey theory abstract
- 2023-03-08 (Wednesday! 14:45!) I SET
- Raphaël Carroy
- Various ways to compare spaces, subsets, and functions abstract
- 2023-02-14 I UA
- Manfred Droste
- Weighted automata over monotonic strong bimonoids: decidability and undecidability of finite image abstract
- 2023-01-20 S SET
- Max Scheiderbauer
- Gödels konstruierbares Universum und die Kontinuumshypothese abstract
- 2023-01-13 S SET
- Thomas Klar
- Ableitung des Auswahlaxiom aus Vektorraumbasen und maximalen Ringidealen abstract
- 2022-12-16 I SET
- Ralf Schindler
- Martin's Maximum is $\Pi_2$-complete abstract
- 2022-12-16 I SET
- Ralf Schindler
- Martin's Maximum is $\Pi_2$-complete, part 2
- 2022-12-09 S SET
- Daniel Unterberger
- Das P-NP Problem und die Polynomialzeithierarchie abstract
- 2022-12-02 SET
- Rahman Mohammadpour
- Almost Strong Properness abstract
- 2022-11-29 Tue! 09:00! I SET
- Menachem Magidor
- Large cardinals and properties of generalized logics abstract
- 2022-11-25 UA
- Jakub Rydval
- A long-standing meta problem at the core of the infinite-domain CSP dichotomy conjecture abstract
- 2022-11-11 I SET
- Philipp Lücke
- Partition properties and definability abstract
- 2022-11-04 SET
- Peter Holy
- Infinite cut and choose games abstract
- 2022-11-04 I SET
- David Fernandez-Duque
- The Baire closure and its logic abstract
- 2022-10-21 UA
- Tomáš Nagy
- The Bodirsky-Pinsker conjecture for reducts of hypergraphs, part 2 abstract
- 2022-10-14 UA
- Tomáš Nagy
- The Bodirsky-Pinsker conjecture for reducts of hypergraphs abstract
- 2022-08-17 (13:00) S UA
- Leon Renkin
- All Centralizing Monoids on a Three-Element Set abstract
- 2022-08-17 (10:15) I UA
- Andrew Craig
- Representability of generalisations of relation algebras abstract
- 2022-07-01 S SET
- Mira Tartarotti
- Borel Determinacy abstract
- 2022-06-24 S UA
- Lukas Prem
- Uneingeschränktes freies Produkt von Gruppen abstract
- 2022-06-10 I UA
- Miroslav Haviar
- Dualities for bilattices and their applications abstract
- 2022-06-03 I UA
- Josef Šlapal
- On bases of closure operators on complete lattices abstract
- 2022-05-20 SET
- Rahman Mohammadpour
- The universality problem for trees abstract
- 2022-05-06 S UA
- Benedikt Buckecker
- Alle Klone (mit Konstanten) sind Zentralisatorklone abstract
- 2022-04-29 SET
- Sandra Müller
- A journey through the world of mice and games abstract
- 2022-03-25 I UA
- Kristina Asimi
- (Not) Finitely Tractable PCSPs abstract
- 2022-03-25 I UA
- Dmtrij Zhuk
- The complexity of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem and its variations abstract
- 2022-03-18 I SET
- David Chodounsky
- P-ultrafilters on natural numbers abstract
- 2022-03-11 I SET
- Jonathan Cancino
- Some remarks about I-ultrafilters abstract
- 2022-02-03 S UA
- Florian Wimmer
- Reed-Muller Codes - endliche Geometrie in der Codierungstheorie abstract
- 2022-01-28 S SET
- Victoria Fiedler
- A tree forcing and the tree it creates abstract
- 2021-06-25 S UA
- Matthias Pfeifer
- Endlichdimensionale Schiefkörper abstract
- 2021-06-11 UA
- Mike Behrisch
- Centralising monoids on finite sets abstract
- 2021-05-28 I SET
- Francesco Parente
- Combinatorics of ultrafilters on Boolean algebras abstract
- 2021-05-21 UA
- Martin Goldstern
- Automorphisms and strongly invariant relations abstract
- 2021-04-30 S UA
- Patrick Freund
- Gröbnerbasen und der Buchberger-Algorithmus abstract
- 2021-04-23 S UA
- Paul Schlegel
- Die Krull-Dimension und ihre Folgen abstract
- 2021-04-16 S UA
- Florian Wimmer
- Der Hilbertsche Nullstellensatz und seine geometrischen Implikationen abstract
- 2021-03-12 S SET
- Matthias Glinzner
- A short overview of the method of forcing
- 2020-10-16 S UA
- Tobias Schadauer
- Ramsey property and extreme amenability
- 2020-09-11 S SET
- Markus Schönauer
- Die surrealen Zahlen abstract
- 2020-05-27 S UA
- Clemens Schindler
- Reconstruction from Automorphism Groups - Rubin's approach abstract
- 2020-01-24 S UA
- Tobias Engelhardt
- Zwei historisch prominente Beweise des Fundamentalsatzes der Algebra abstract
- 2020-01-10 S UA
- Paul Großkopf
- Intersecting the Twin Dragon with rational lines abstract
- 2019-12-13 I UA
- Antoine Mottet (Univerzita Karlova)
- Cores of structures with a Ramsey expansion abstract
- 2019-11-22 I SET UA
- Sam Corson
- Almost free groups of an unusual sort abstract
- 2019-10-31 I UA
- Jean Gillibert (Université de Toulouse)
- Descent on elliptic surfaces and arithmetic bounds for the Mordell-Weil rank abstract
- 2019-10-25 I UA
- Ivan Di Liberti (Universitas Masarykiana Brunensis)
- Topos theoretic approaches to Abstract model theory abstract
- 2019-10-18 SET
- Martin Goldstern
- Cichoń's Diagram and set-theoretic universes abstract
- 2019-10-11 SET
- Martin Goldstern
- Uncountable cardinals in Analysis and Cichoń's Diagram abstract
- 2019-06-14 S UA
- Bernhard Garn
- Algebraic Modelling of Covering Arrays abstract
- 2019-05-24 I UA
- Ondřej Draganov (IST Austria)
- Maximal clones of bounded essential arity abstract
- 2019-05-17 I UA
- Josef Šlapal (Vysoké učení technické v Brně)
- Closure, interior, neighbourhood and convergence in a category abstract
- 2019-05-10 I UA
- Wiesław Kubiś (Czech Academy of Sciences)
- Uniform homogeneity abstract
- 2019-03-29 I UA
- Norbert Sauer (University of Calgary)
- Copies and equimorphic structures abstract
- 2019-01-25 S UA
- Thomas Wrabel
- Monaden und deren Beziehung zu Adjunktionen und Varietäten abstract
- 2019-01-18 (13:00) SET
- Juan Aguilera
- The consistency strength of long projective determinacy abstract
- 2019-01-18 (11:30-12:00) I UA
- Sven Dziadek (Universität Leipzig)
- Weighted $\omega$-pushdown automata abstract
- 2019-01-18 (10:15-11:15) I UA
- Manfred Droste (Universität Leipzig)
- Weighted automata and quantitative logics abstract
- 2018-12-14 UA
- Mike Behrisch
- On a stronger reconstruction notion for transformation monoids and clones abstract
- 2018-12-07 UA
- Pierre Gillibert
- Undecidability of algebraic integer rings abstract
- 2018-11-23 I UA
- Meng-Che Ho (Purdue University)
- Finitely Generated Groups Are Universal abstract
- 2018-11-09 I UA
- Alexandr Kazda (Charles University Prague)
- Wonderland of Reflections for Weighted Clones abstract
- 2018-11-09 I UA
- Miroslav Olšák (Charles University Prague)
- Loop conditions abstract
- 2018-10-25 I UA
- Greg Conner (Brigham Young University)
- Some Notes on Wild Geometric Group Theory abstract
- 2018-10-25 I UA
- Jakub Opršal (TU Dresden)
- A few algorithms for promise constraint satisfaction abstract
- 2018-10-19 S UA
- Felix Schiffer
- Equivalence of loop conditions abstract
- 2018-10-12 I UA
- Antoine Mottet (Charles University, Prague)
- A universal-algebraic proof of the complexity dichotomy for Monotone Monadic SNP abstract
- 2018-06-29 I UA
- Peter Mayr (University of Colorado in Boulder)
- Computing with transformation semigroups abstract
- 2018-06-22 I UA
- Csaba Szabó (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
- Testing is the mother of all knowledge abstract
- 2018-06-15 S UA
- Tim Herbstrith
- Hilbert’s tenth problem over rings of algebraic integers abstract
- 2018-06-15 I SET
- Martin Zeman (University of California - Irvine)
- Inner model theory for short extender sequences abstract
- 2018-05-25 S SET
- Luka Ilic
- Special Aronzajn Trees and Mahlo Cardinals abstract
- 2018-05-18 UA
- Julius Jonušas
- Hitchhiker's guide to loop conditions abstract
- 2018-05-04 S UA
- Clemens Schindler
- Galoistheorie in allgemeinen Körpererweiterungen abstract
- 2018-04-27 S SET
- Johannes Schürz
- Reell messbare Kardinalzahlen abstract
- 2018-04-20 S UA
- Benedikt Spiegel
- Fundamentalsatz der Arithmetik in Zahlkörpern
- 2018-04-13 I UA
- Erhard Aichinger (JKU Linz)
- Finitely generated equational classes abstract
- 2018-03-23 I UA
- Michael Kompatscher (Univerzita Karlova, Prag)
- The equation solvability problem abstract
- 2018-03-16 I UA
- Manuel Bodirsky (TU Dresden)
- The Dichotomy for Montone Monadic SNP via Extreme Amenability abstract
- 2018-03-09 UA
- Ekaterina Fokina
- Computable Structures abstract
- 2018-01-26 S UA
- Felix Schiffer
- Differentiale in algebraischen Funktionenkörpern abstract
- 2018-01-19 UA
- Sophie Frisch
- On the Spectrum of Rings of Functions abstract
- 2018-01-12 S UA
- Thomas Wrabel
- Projektive Boolesche Algebren abstract
- 2018-01-12 S SET
- Luka Ilić
- Hahn-Banach implies Banach-Tarski abstract
- 2017-12-15 I UA
- Marcin Kozik (Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie)
- Taylor minimal, finite algebras abstract
- 2017-12-01 (10:05!) I UA
- Moritz Müller (Universität Wien, KGRC)
- Proof Complexity abstract
- 2017-11-24 I UA
- Libor Barto (Univerzita Karlova)
- Promise Constraint Satisfaction Problem abstract
- 2017-11-17 (13:00) SET
- Thilo Weinert
- Choiceless Ramsey Theory for Linear Orders abstract
- 2017-11-17 UA
- Pierre Gillibert
- The order problem in automaton groups is undecidable abstract
- 2017-10-20 (14:00) I UA
- Jan Grebík (Akademie věd České republiky)
- Reconstruction of $\omega$-categorical structures from their automorphism groups abstract
- 2017-10-20 (10:15) I UA
- Dragan Mašulović (Univerzitet u Novom Sadu)
- Categorical Ramsey Theory abstract
- 2017-10-13 (12:00!) I SET
- Fabiana Castiblanco (Universität Münster)
- The ordinal $u_2$ and a $\bf{\Delta}^1_3$-thin equivalence relation abstract
- 2017-10-13 UA
- Julius Jonušas
- Universal words and sequences abstract
- 2017-10-06 (15:00) SET
- Asaf Karagila
- Spectra of Uniformity abstract
- 2017-10-06 (10:30!) I UA
- Miroslav Haviar (Univerzita Mateja Bela, Banská Bystrica)
- The canonical extension of lattices and lattice duals abstract
- 2017-06-23 S UA
- Christoph Lenz
- Linear rekurrente Folgen und die Kettenbruchentwicklung formaler Laurentreihen abstract
- 2017-06-09 S UA
- Paul Weiser
- Dimensionstheorie
- 2017-06-09 I UA
- Alden Pixley
- Extending Boolean Algebra: Arithmetical algebras and their congruence relations
- 2017-06-02 UA
- Martin Goldstern
- Homomorphismen zwischen Produkten von Verbänden abstract
- 2017-05-19 UA
- Michael Kompatscher
- Cores of omega-categorical structures abstract
- 2017-05-12 UA
- Michael Pinsker
- Equations in algebras from omega-categorical structures
- 2017-05-05 S UA
- Felix Schiffer
- Die algebraische (Un)Abhängigkeit von Homomorphismen abstract
- 2017-04-28 UA
- Tim Herbstrith
- Die erste Grigorchuk-Gruppe abstract
- 2017-03-31 SET
- Martin Goldstern
- Einführung in Forcing 2 abstract
- 2017-03-24 SET
- Martin Goldstern
- Einführung in Forcing 1 abstract
- 2017-03-17 S UA
- Felix Dorrek
- Minkowski endomorphisms abstract
- 2017-01-20 S UA
- Mathias Hof
- Pontrjagin-Dualität abstract
- 2017-01-20 SET
- Juan Aguilera
- Topologies on the ordinals and polymodal provability logics abstract
- 2017-01-13 UA
- Mike Behrisch
- Centralisers in algebra and elsewhere abstract
- 2016-12-16 S UA
- Peter Kuleff
- Algebraische Funktionenkörper und algebraische Kurven
- 2016-12-02 S SET
- Victoria Fiedler
- Cichoń's Diagram: Maß und Kategorie abstract
- 2016-11-25 S
- Georg Hofstätter
- Die Verbindung von Homotopie und Homologie: Der Satz von Hurewicz abstract
- 2016-11-11 UA
- Wolfgang Herfort
- Topologisch quasi-Hamiltonsche Gruppen abstract
- 2016-11-04 S SET
- Michael Zechner
- omega-kategorische Theorien
- 2016-10-28 S SET
- Johannes Schürz
- Gödels konstruktibles Universum
- 2016-10-21 S SET
- Johannes Schürz
- ZFC-Modelle
- 2016-09-09 I SET
- Diego Alejandro Mejía Guzmán (静岡大学 [Shizuoka University])
- New reals in intermediate stages of FS iterations abstract
- 2016-09-02 I SET
- David Schrittesser (Københavns Universitet)
- A Galvin-type Theorem for iterated Sacks forcing abstract
- 2016-06-24 UA
- Jasbir Chahal
- Some interplay between algebra, arithmetic and geometry abstract
- 2016-06-10 UA
- Michael Pinsker
- The algebraic dichotomy conjecture for infinite domain constraint satisfaction problems abstract
- 2016-06-03 UA
- Mike Behrisch
- Reconstructing the topology on monoids and clones of the rationals abstract
- 2016-05-20 S UA
- Mathias Hof
- Adjungierte Funktoren in der Kategorientheorie abstract
- 2016-05-19 UA
- Zoltan Esik (University of Szeged)
- Equational Logic of Fixed Point Operations abstract
- 2016-05-13 S UA
- Paul Weiser
- Das Banach-Tarski-Paradoxon und der Satz von Tarski abstract
- 2016-05-20 I SET
- Otmar Spinas (Universität Kiel)
- Tukey reductions abstract
- 2016-04-29 UA
- Reinhard Winkler
- Riemann-integrierbare Fortsetzungen von Funktionen auf Gruppenkompaktifizierungen abstract
- 2016-04-22 UA
- Toma Albu (Simion Stoilow Inst. of Math. of the Romanian Academy)
- Preradicals in modular lattices with applications to Grothendieck categories and torsion theories abstract
- 2016-04-21 UA
- Gil Kaplan (Yafo College, Tel Aviv)
- Coprimeness and its related group structure: permutation group subdegrees and automorphism group orbit sizes
- 2016-04-15 UA
- Nick Callor (Brigham Young University)
- Pro-Covering Fibrations abstract
- 2016-04-15 UA
- Helmut Länger
- Relatively pseudocomplemented posets abstract
- 2016-04-08 UA
- Michael Kompatscher
- A complexity dichotomy for Poset-SAT abstract
- 2016-04-08 S SET
- Dino Rossegger (DMG, TU Wien)
- Computable Structure Theory abstract
- 2016-03-18 UA
- Mike Behrisch
- Minimum Hamming Distance of Boolean Propositional Models abstract
- 2016-03-11 UA
- Robert Freiman
- Gleichmäßige Stetigkeit und topologische Gruppen abstract
- 2016-01-15 UA
- Helmut Länger
- General coupled semirings of residuated lattices
- 2015-12-11 UA
- Daniel Hainschink
- Überlagerungen und der Satz von Nielsen-Schreier
- 2015-12-04 SET
- Martin Goldstern
- Produkte von Baire-Räumen
- 2015-11-20 I SET
- Vincenzo Dimonte (Universität Wien, KGRC)
- Very large cardinals abstract
- 2015-11-13 S UA
- Gerold Dürnle
- Arguesische Verbände
- 2015-11-06 I SET
- David Chodounsky (Akademie věd České republiky [Czech Academy of Sciences])
- Mathias forcing and generic ultrafilters
- 2015-10-23 UA
- Michael Kompatscher
- Redukte von Henson-Digraphen abstract
- 2015-10-16 S UA
- Patrick Reiner
- Orthomodulare Verbände und deren Kongruenzrelationen abstract
- 2015-10-09 SET
- Diego A. Mejía
- Yorioka Ideals abstract
- 2015-07-16 I SET
- Dilip Raghavan (National University of Singapore)
- Invariants of density
- 2015-07-15 I UA
- Wilfried Meidl
- Are normal bent functions normal? abstract
- 2015-06-26 UA
- Benoît Loridant
- Cut Points von fraktalen Mengen abstract
- 2015-06-12 UA
- Radomír Halaš (Palacký University Olomouc)
- On aggregation functions on lattices abstract
- 2015-06-09 UA
- Greg Conner
- Some notes on discontinuous homomorphisms abstract
- 2015-05-22 UA
- Josef Šlapal (Brno University of Technology)
- A categorical approach to convergence: compactness abstract
- 2015-05-08 UA
- Helmut Länger
- Subdirectly irreducible commutative idempotent semirings abstract
- 2015-04-24 SET
- Vera Fischer
- Maximal Cofinitary Groups abstract
- 2015-04-13 S SET
- Fabio Tonti
- The conjugacy relation on unitary representations
- 2015-03-27 I UA
- Kalle Kaarli
- On categorical equivalence of finite rings abstract
- 2015-03-25 I SET
- Andrea Medini (Universität Wien, KGRC)
- Topological homogeneity and infinite powers
- 2015-03-20 UA
- Gerhard Dorfer
- Quadratische Gleichungen in Charakteristik 2
- 2015-03-13 S UA
- Patrick Reiner
- Semimodulare Verbände und ihre Anwendung in der Gruppentheorie
- 2015-02-13 I SET
- Jörg Brendle (神戸 大学 [Kobe University])
- Cardinal invariants on large cardinals
- 2015-01-27 I SET
- Lyubomyr Zdomskyy (Universität Wien, KGRC)
- Remainders of topological groups and ultrafilters
- 2015-01-23 S UA
- Peter Kuleff
- Obere/Untere Nachbarn im freien Verband
- 2015-01-23 SET
- Diego Alejandro Mejía Guzmán
- On $\mathfrak s \lt \mathfrak b \lt \mathfrak a$
- 2015-01-16 I SET
- Jana Flašková (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni [University of Western Bohemia])
- Ultrafilters and ideals
- 2015-01-16 UA
- Mike Behrisch
- Eine Galois-Verbindung für Semi-Klone
- 2015-01-09 I UA
- Thomas Vetterlein
- Approaches to negative residuated tomonoids abstract
- 2014-12-18
- Ivan Chajda
- Tense operators on spaces of numerical events abstract
- 2014-12-12
- Adrian van Oyen
- Interpolation in mehreren Variablen
- 2014-12-05
- Keith Kearnes
- Parallelogram terms, cube terms and edge terms
- 2014-12-05 SET
- Vera Fischer
- Definable maximal cofinitary groups and large continuum abstract
- 2014-12-05
- Agnes Szendrei
- Subpower membership for algebras with cube terms
- 2014-11-14
- Adrian van Oyen
- Fehlerkorrektur im Slack Space unter Verwendung des Reed-Solomon Codes
- 2014-10-31 SET
- Stefan Hetzl
- Which proofs can be computed by cut-elimination? abstract
- 2014-10-24
- Michael Kompatscher
- Definierbare Strukturen abstract
- 2014-10-24 S SET
- Fabio Tonti
- Review of some results on the structure of countable Borel equivalence relations abstract
- 2014-10-17 SET
- Victor Torres-Perez
- Chang's conjecture and the strong tree property abstract
- 2014-10-10 SET
- Diego Alejandro Mejía Guzmán
- Rothberger gaps in fragmented ideals
- 2014-07-21
- Dan Levy
- Sylow multiplicities in finite groups and solvability abstract
- 2014-06-27
- Thomas Baumhauer
- Unendliche Spiele, Determiniertheit, und Regularitätseigenschaften von Mengen reeller Zahlen abstract
- 2014-06-16
- Wilfried Meidl
- A construction of bent functions and their duals
- 2014-06-06
- Josef Šlapal
- A categorical approach to convergence
- 2014-06-06
- Manuel Erler
- Stone-Dualität
- 2014-05-23
- Mike Behrisch
- Centraliser clones — an overview of known results and a few open questions
- 2014-05-16
- Tobias Schadauer
- Cantor-Bendixson-Ableitung Boolescher Algebren und Boolescher Räume
- 2014-05-09
- Kostadinka Lapkova
- Class numbers of quadratic fields abstract
- 2014-05-02
- Patrick Smejkal
- Angriffe auf das diskrete Logarithmusproblem und ihre Implementierung in C# abstract
- 2014-04-11
- Bernhard Garn
- Clubs und stationäre Mengen; Kardinalzahlarithmetik
- 2014-03-28
- Gerold Dürnle
- Verbände in der projektiven Geometrie
- 2014-03-21
- Anatolij Dvurecenskij
- On a New Construction of Kite Pseudo BL-algebras abstract
- 2014-03-14
- Victor Sirvent
- Space-filling curves, expanding maps on the circle and geodesic laminations abstract
- 2014-01-31
- Vanja Doskoc
- Klassische Mengenlehre: Das Spiel der Farben abstract
- 2014-01-17
- Stefan Beer
- Verschlüsselung mit Hilfe des Blum-Blum-Shub Algorithmus
- 2013-11-08
- Ludwig Kampel
- Perfekte Codes - der Satz von van Lint und Tietäväinen
- 2013-10-25
- Daniel Weller
- Quantorenelimination in reell abgeschlossenen Körpern abstract
- 2013-10-11
- Manuel Eder
- Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion von p-adischen Zahlen, Prüfergruppe und Verwandten abstract
- 2013-10-04
- Katsuya Eda
- Cech homotopy groups of one-dimensional continua abstract
- 2013-09-10
- Miroslav Haviar
- Canonical extensions of lattices - a new construction abstract
- 2013-06-25
- Karl Lorensen
- Near supplements and complement in solvable minimax groups
- 2013-06-21
- Norbert Sauer
- Oszillations-Stabilität und eine kombinatorisch-algebraische Fragestellung abstract
- 2013-06-14
- Michael Pinsker
- The 42 reducts of the random ordered graph abstract
- 2013-05-24
- Gerhard Dorfer
- The fundamental group of fractal sets -- order theoretical aspects abstract
- 2013-05-17
- Norbert Sauer
- Einführung in die Partitionstheorie von Relationsstrukturen abstract
- 2013-05-03
- Stefan Hetzl
- Formale Beweise, der Satz von Herbrand und Baumsprachen abstract
- 2013-04-22
- Gil Kaplan
- New Views on the Fitting Subgroup
- 2013-04-19
- Gabriel Ebner
- Das Solovay-Modell
- 2013-03-22
- Martin Goldstern
- Semi-entscheidbare Mengen, Komplexitätsklassen, und Lukasiewicz-Logik
- 2013-03-15
- Patrick Smejkal
- Digitale Signaturmethoden auf Basis des diskreten Logarithmusproblems abstract
- 2013-02-01
- Martin Goldstern
- Produkte von Varietäten
- 2013-01-18
- Tobias Schadauer
- Konstruktion von vielen nichtisomorphen Booleschen Intervallalgebren
- 2013-01-11
- Gabriel Ebner
- Abgeschlossene Permutationsgruppen des Random Graphs abstract
- 2012-11-30
- Martin Goldstern
- P-Punkte und P-Räume abstract
- 2012-10-19
- Valerie Berthé
- Fully subtractive algorithm and discrete geometry
- 2012-10-19
- Timo Jolivet
- Rauzy fractals with countable Fundamental group
- 2012-10-12
- Günther Eigenthaler
- Boolean Subrings
- 2012-10-05
- Judith Braunsteiner
- Struktursätze in der kommutativen Ringtheorie
- 2012-09-14
- Libor Polak
- On Biautomata abstract
- 2012-08-29
- Pavel Zalesskii
- The profinite topology on groups
- 2012-08-27
- Victoria Fiedler
- Ockham-Algebren
- 2012-06-28
- Lukas Fabrykowski
- Modulare Verbände
- 2012-06-22
- Sebastian Zivota
- Reellwertig messbare Kardinalzahlen, Teil 2 abstract
- 2012-06-15
- Sebastian Zivota
- Reellwertig messbare Kardinalzahlen, Teil 1 abstract
- 2012-06-01
- Stefan Lindner
- Knot and Homology Theory in Quantum Physics
- 2012-05-25
- Bernhard Garn
- Rekursion in ZF
- 2012-04-06
- Gil Kaplan
- New results on finite T-groups abstract
- 2012-03-30
- Ludwig Kampel
- Golay Codes - Steiner Systeme
- 2012-03-23
- Hajime Machida
- Centralizing monoids, again
- 2012-03-16
- Elisabeth Fink
- Automorphism Groups of Non-Regular Rooted Trees abstract
- 2012-03-02
- Michael Pinsker
- Topological Birkhoff abstract
- 2012-01-20
- Marco Köck
- Fehlerkorrekturverfahren der CD und DVD
- 2012-01-20
- Judith Braunsteiner
- Unendlichdimensionale Galoistheorie
- 2012-01-13
- Erhard Aichinger
- Polynomials and Structure of Universal Algebras abstract
- 2012-01-13
- Gabor Horvath
- The complexity of the equivalence and equation solvability over finite algebras
- 2012-01-13
- Gábor Horváth
- The complexity of the equivalence and equation solvability over finite algebras
- 2011-12-16
- Benedikt Klocker
- Der Satz von Halpern-Läuchli -- 1
- 2011-12-16
- Thomas Baumhauer
- Der Satz von Halpern-Läuchli -- 2
- 2011-12-09
- Martin Goldstern
- Einfache und komplizierte Klone abstract
- 2011-12-02
- Timo Jolivet
- Rauzy fractals associated with cubic real number fields abstract
- 2011-11-25
- Jan Kühr
- Finitely generated varieties of distributive effect algebras abstract
- 2011-11-18
- Ivan Chajda
- Boolean rings, subrings and lattice-like structures abstract
- 2011-11-11
- Carl Maxson
- Semigroups, Max-end, and Mutations abstract
- 2011-11-04
- Martin Goldstern
- Der Satz von Nash-Williams abstract
- 2011-10-28
- Martin Goldstern
- Ramsey-Sätze abstract
- 2011-10-14
- Martin Goldstern
- Operationen, die das "Dichte 0"-Ideal erhalten abstract
- 2011-09-16
- Libor Polak
- Identity problems, solvability of equations and unification in varieties of semigroups related to varieties of groups abstract
- 2011-09-16
- Jorge Almeida
- Relatively free profinite semigroups abstract
- 2011-07-14
- Lior Barry-Soroker
- Subgroups of étale fundamental groups abstract
- 2011-06-21
- Norbert Sauer
- Orthogonale lineare Ordnungen
- 2011-06-17
- Victoria Fiedler
- Partitionsverbände
- 2011-06-17
- Andreas Fellner
- Fraktale Verbände
- 2011-06-10
- Lukas Klausner
- Ko-Algebren, Hopf-Algebren, und Anwendungen für kombinatorische Konstruktionen abstract
- 2011-05-27
- Hajime Machida
- Maximal centralizing monoids and minimal clones abstract
- 2011-05-13
- Josef Šlapal
- Categorical neighborhood operators abstract
- 2011-04-08
- Martin Goldstern
- Abzählbar erzeugte Klone abstract
- 2011-04-01
- Matthias Minihold
- AES, der Advanced Encryption Standard
- 2011-03-25
- Zdenka Riecanova
- Operator Effect algebras in Hilbert spaces abstract
- 2011-03-18
- Miriam Heinz
- Reed-Solomon-Codes
- 2011-03-11
- Martin Goldstern
- Antiketten in endlichen und unendlichen Ordnungen
- 2011-02-23
- Sebastian Zivota
- Der Kommutator in der universellen Algebra
- 2011-01-21
- Wolfgang Herfort
- Topologisch endlich erzeugte zyklische p-Erweiterung einer freien pro-p Gruppe abstract
- 2011-01-14
- Michael Pinsker
- Decidability of definability
- 2010-12-17
- Rolando Jimenéz
- Homotopy Idempotents and the Bass Conjecture
- 2010-12-03
- Martin Goldstern
- Dualität für distributive Verbände und Ockham-Algebren
- 2010-11-19
- Stefanie Pichler
- Zyklische Codes und BCH-Codes
- 2010-11-12
- Ambros Berger
- Mathematische Strukturen in der Obertonreihe
- 2010-11-12
- Martin Goldstern
- Ramsey-Eigenschaften des Rado-Graphen
- 2010-11-05
- Helmut Länger
- Der Nullteilergraph einer quasigeordneten Menge abstract
- 2010-10-29
- Mark Meilstrup
- Extending Sharkovsky's Theorem to Non-Locally Connected Spaces
- 2010-10-22
- Reinhard Winkler
- Halbstetigkeit mengenwertiger Funktionen und ein topologisches Gegenstück zum Birkhoffschen Ergodensatz
- 2010-10-15
- Peter P. Palfy
- The number of conjugacy classes in some matrix groups abstract
- 2010-09-17
- Gil Kaplan
- Nilpotency, solvability and the twisting function of finite groups
- 2010-09-15
- Mikhail Klin
- Automorphism groups of rational circular graphs
- 2010-09-10
- Peter Plaumann
- Halbgruppen und komplexe Dynamik abstract
- 2010-07-15
- Karl Lorensen
- Die Kohomologie der proendlichen Vervollständigung einer halbpolyzyklischen Gruppe.
- 2010-06-25
- Hannes Limbeck
- Der Berlekamp-Massey Algorithmus
- 2010-06-18
- Zoltan Esik
- Equational theories and finite automata abstract
- 2010-06-11
- Greg Conner
- Homotopy groups of wild spaces abstract
- 2010-05-28
- Josef Šlapal
- Convenient closure operators on the digital plane
- 2010-04-23
- Michael Pinsker
- Reducts of homogeneous structures with the Ramsey property abstract
- 2010-03-26
- Andrew Glass
- Right ordered groups
- 2010-03-25
- Andrew Glass
- The word problem in groups with orders
- 2010-03-19
- Hajime Machida
- Centralizers of Monoids and Monoids of Centralizers abstract
- 2010-03-12
- Johannes Morgenbesser
- Thue-Morse-Folgen in kompakten Gruppen abstract
- 2010-03-05
- Giovanni Panti
- Kakutani-von Neumann maps on simplexes abstract
- 2010-01-22
- Reinhard Winkler
- Topologische und algebraische Fußnoten zur Maßtheorie 7: Am siebenten Tage sollst Du endlich dynamisch werden
- 2009-12-11
- Gernot Greschonig
- Reelle Schiefprodukte über distalen minimalen Homöomorphismen
- 2009-12-04
- Michal Botur
- A non-associative generalization of BL-algebras
- 2009-11-27
- Gabriel Strasser
- Adische Transformationen und deren ergodische Maße abstract
- 2009-11-20
- Jan Kühr
- Representable residuated lattices and their subreducts
- 2009-11-20
- Ivan Chajda
- Action algebras
- 2009-11-06
- Klaus Neuwirth
- CSP aus algebraischer Sicht
- 2009-10-30
- Wilfried Imrich
- Isovalente Mediangraphen mit zwei Enden (Two-ended regular median graphs) abstract
- 2009-10-23
- Martin Goldstern
- Ockham- und de Morgan-Algebren abstract
- 2009-10-09
- Manfred Droste
- Gewichtete Automaten, mehrwertige Logik und Verbände
- 2009-09-18
- Libor Polak
- Polynomial operators on varieties of languages and monoids abstract
- 2009-06-26
- Mathias Beiglböck
- Sum sets, diesmal mit Ultrafiltern
- 2009-06-19
- Johann Wiesenbauer
- Bekanntes und weniger bekanntes zur Riemannschen Vermutung
- 2009-06-05
- Michael Pinsker
- All reducts of the random graph are model-complete abstract
- 2009-05-29
- Yann Bugeaud
- Polynomial root separation abstract
- 2009-05-15
- Ladislav Skula
- Reduction of matrices over orders of imaginary quadratic fields
- 2009-05-08
- Martin Goldstern
- Ein großes Intervall im globalen Klonverband abstract
- 2009-04-30
- Martin Goldstern
- Der ternäre Diskriminator und große Intervalle im lokalen Klonverband abstract
- 2009-04-15
- Katherine F Stevenson
- Fundamental groups in characteristic p abstract
- 2009-03-27
- Toby Kenney
- Graphical algebras II
- 2009-03-20
- Herwig Hauser
- Blowups abstract
- 2009-03-06
- Toby Kenney
- Graphical Algebras - A new approach to Congruence Lattices abstract
- 2009-01-30
- Alexander E. Zalesskii
- Classification of simple Hurwitz groups and representations of the (2,3,7)-triangle group.
- 2009-01-23
- Jonathan Farley
- Functions on Distributive Lattices with the Congruence Substitution Property: Some Problems of Grätzer from 1964 abstract
- 2009-01-16
- Pavel A. Zalesskii
- Conjugacy Separability abstract
- 2008-12-19
- Imre Leader
- Euclidean Ramsey Theory
- 2008-12-12
- Marco Boggi
- Introduction to profinite Teichmüller theory abstract
- 2008-12-16
- Gunther Bergauer
- Kombinatorisch/algebraische Komplexe -- eine Entwicklungsgeschichte bis ins Proendliche
- 2008-12-05
- Mathias Beiglböck
- Summen von Mengen, mittelbare Gruppen und Bohr-fastperiodische Funktionen
- 2008-11-28
- Vladimir Sekan
- Varianten des Auswahlaxioms und der Satz von Tychonoff
- 2008-11-07
- Ivan Chajda
- Every effect algebra can be converted into a total algebra abstract
- 2008-11-07
- Andreas Zastrow
- Kombinatorische Beschreibungsmöglichkeiten algebraischer Invarianten, von Hawaiischen Ohrringen bis zu ebenen Peano-Kontinua abstract
- 2008-10-24
- Michael Pinsker
- Unterverbände des lokalen Klonverbandes abstract
- 2008-10-17
- Martin Goldstern
- Automorphismentürme abstract
- 2008-09-30
- Gil Kaplan
- When must a subgroup contain a nontrivial normal subgroup?
- 2008-06-20
- Nebojsa Mudrinski
- Do the functions that preserve the higher commutators of a Mal'cev algebra form a clone? abstract
- 2008-06-17
- Miroslav Haviar
- Full dualities and coloured ordered sets abstract
- 2008-06-13
- Rob Tijdeman
- On irreducibility of polynomials abstract
- 2008-06-06
- Libor Polak
- Algebraic Language Theory
- 2008-05-30
- Reinhard Winkler
- Topologische und algebraische Fußnoten zur Maßtheorie 6: Was kompakt ist messen; was nicht kompakt ist, kompaktifizieren!
- 2008-05-16
- Maciej Maczynski
- Boolean Algebras in Mathematics, Physics and Cryptography
- 2008-05-16
- Josef Šlapal
- A quotient universal digital topology
- 2008-05-09
- Reinhard Winkler
- Topologische und algebraische Fußnoten zur Maßtheorie 5: Riemann-Integrierbarkeit auf kompakten Räumen
- 2008-04-22
- Mladen Pavicic
- States on Hilbert lattices abstract
- 2008-04-18
- Mathias Beiglböck
- Fürstenbergs Beweis des Satzes von Szemeredi 1 abstract
- 2008-04-11
- Martin Goldstern
- Tarskis Quantorenelimination abstract
- 2008-04-04
- Reinhard Winkler
- Topologische und algebraische Fußnoten zur Maßtheorie 4: Adam und Eva
- 2008-03-26
- Greg Conner
- Some recent work and open problems in wild low-dimensional topology
- 2008-02-08
- Wolfgang Herfort
- Virtuell freie pro-p Gruppen abstract
- 2008-02-01
- Martin Goldstern
- Wie groß sind lokal maximale Klone? abstract
- 2008-01-18
- Reinhard Winkler
- Birkhoff topologisch
- 2008-01-11
- Martin Goldstern
- Der lokale Klonverband ist nicht algebraisch abstract
- 2007-12-14
- Marina Semenova
- Subsemilattice lattices of certain semilattices abstract
- 2007-12-07
- Kalle Kaarli
- Abelian groups with square-determined term functions
- 2007-11-30
- Zdenka Riecanova
- States on lattice effect algebras abstract
- 2007-11-30
- Manfred Droste
- Random constructions imply symmetry abstract
- 2007-11-28
- Andrei Khrennikov
- Ergodicity of P-adic Dynamical Systems
- 2007-11-23
- Ivan Chajda
- Algebras for many-valued logic of quantum mechanics
- 2007-11-16
- Michael Pinsker
- Angewandte Algebra 3: Weitere Redukte relationaler Strukturen
- 2007-11-09
- Gerhard Dorfer
- Der Shor-Algorithmus
- 2007-10-19
- John S. Wilson
- Criteria for solubility for finite groups
- 2007-10-12
- Michael Pinsker
- Angewandte Algebra 2: Redukte relationaler Strukturen, CSP, und lokale Klone abstract
- 2007-10-05
- Menachem Kojman
- Induced Ramsey theory with symmetry abstract
- 2007-08-24
- Nebojsa Mudrinski
- Higher Commutators in Mal'cev Algebras -- Properties and Applications abstract
- 2007-07-16
- Konstantyn Medynets
- Aperiodic substitutional systems
- 2007-06-29
- Martin Goldstern
- Angewandte Algebra 1: Oligomorphe Strukturen und HSP_fin abstract
- 2007-06-22
- Wolfgang Wohofsky
- Über das p-point Spiel und die Existenz von p-points abstract
- 2007-06-18
- Florian Pop
- Fields of cohomological dimension one abstract
- 2007-06-01
- Andreas Banlaki
- Die Galoisverbindung für Klone und einige ihrer Varianten
- 2007-05-25
- Ladislav Skula
- Arithmetic of generalized polynomials
- 2007-05-25
- Josef Šlapal
- Connectedness with respect to (categorical) closure operators
- 2007-05-18
- Melanija Mitrovic
- Studying Semigroups through their Semilattice Decomposition abstract
- 2007-05-11
- Norbert Sauer
- Metrische und ultrametrische Räume
- 2007-04-27
- Libor Polak
- Languages, automata and syntactic structures abstract
- 2007-04-04
- Gil Kaplan
- On the centre and commutator subgroup of finite groups. abstract
- 2007-03-23
- Michael Pinsker
- Kardinalitäten von Intervallen des Klonverbandes abstract
- 2007-03-16
- Mathias Beiglböck
- Gilt der Satz von van der Waerden in mittelbaren Gruppen?
- 2007-03-09
- Gerhard Dorfer
- Über die Fundamentalgruppe des Sierpinski-Teppichs und die Grenzen der angewandten Methode
- 2007-01-31
- Marina Semenova
- Closure lattices of closure spaces and their elementary properties abstract
- 2007-01-19
- Michael Pinsker
- Constraint Satisfaction Problem und lokale Klones
- 2007-01-12
- Johannes Wiesenbauer
- Elliptic curve cryptography
- 2006-12-07
- Wolfgang Eppenschwandtner
- Partielle Ordnungen mit Beweisen, und Monoide mit mehreren Identitäten abstract
- 2006-11-24
- Wolfgang Wohofsky
- P-points und andere Ultrafilter
- 2006-11-24
- Reinhard Winkler
- Topologische und algebraische Fußnoten zur Maßtheorie 3 -- polnische Räume
- 2006-11-17
- Reinhard Winkler
- Topologische und algebraische Fußnoten zur Maßtheorie 2 -- Kompaktheit
- 2006-11-10
- Reinhard Winkler
- Topologische und algebraische Fußnoten zur Maßtheorie 1.
- 2006-10-20
- Erhard Aichinger
- Describing polynomial functions of universal algebras abstract
- 2006-07-06
- Maciej Maczynski
- Probability and cryptographic algebras abstract
- 2006-06-27
- Karl Lorensen
- The effect of the P-localization functor on group extensions
- 2006-06-23
- Michael Pinsker
- Algebraische Verbände sind Unterverbände von Klonverbänden
- 2006-06-12
- Rudolf Wille and Renate Wille-Henning
- Beurteilung von Musikstücken durch Adjektive: Eine begriffsanalytische Exploration abstract
- 2006-06-09
- Ladislav Skula
- An explanation of the Kummer theory of ideal numbers in the light of category theory
- 2006-06-02
- Josef Šlapal
- Convergence with respect to a categorical closure operator
- 2006-05-19
- Ina Mäurer
- Bildsprachen abstract
- 2006-05-12
- Johannes Wiesenbauer
- Über fast geometrische Folgen von Primzahlen: A094106
- 2006-05-05
- Ivan Chajda
- Algebraic structures derived from BCK-algebras
- 2006-04-21
- Gil Kaplan
- Sylow products and the solvable radical
- 2006-04-07
- Martin Goldstern
- Koatome im Klonverband auf überabzählbaren Mengen abstract
- 2006-03-24
- Ulrich Haböck
- Nilpotente Erweiterungen minimaler Gruppenaktionen
- 2006-03-17
- Benoit Loridant
- Ziffernsysteme und fraktale Zerlegungen der Ebene abstract
- 2006-01-20
- Martin Heinrich
- Die NP-Vollständigkeit von MineSweeper
- 2006-01-13
- Dragan Masulovic
- On the complexity of Mal'cev interpolation
- 2005-12-16
- Gábor Lukács
- Topological annihilators in compact abelian groups - a solution to Dikranjan's problem.
- 2005-12-02
- Manfred Droste
- Gewichtete Automaten und quantitative Logik abstract
- 2005-11-25
- Philipp Grohs
- Asymptotik von Goppa Codes
- 2005-11-18
- Zdenka Riecanova
- Some families of effect algebras abstract
- 2005-11-11
- Ivan Chajda
- A non-associative modification of MV-algebras
- 2005-10-28
- Gerhard Dorfer
- Die Fundamentalgruppe des Sierpiński-Dreiecks.
- 2005-07-08
- Arne Winterhof , Hassan Aly and Wilfried Meidl
- New Results on the Linear Complexity of Nonlinear Pseudorandom Number Generators abstract
- 2005-06-17
- Brian Davey
- Natural dualities for semilattice-based algebras abstract
- 2005-05-20
- Gabriel Maresch
- Ultrafilter und das Darstellungsproblem für Riemann-integrierbare Funktionen abstract
- 2005-05-13
- Josef Šlapal
- Convergence with respect to a (categorical) closure operator
- 2005-05-12
- Josef Šlapal
- Introduction to digital topology
- 2005-04-29
- Martin Goldstern
- Lokale und globale Clones abstract
- 2005-04-15
- Gunther Bergauer
- Proendliche Graphen - ein Vergleich verschiedener Konzepte abstract
- 2005-04-08
- Mathias Beiglböck and Gabriel Maresch
- Hartman-messbare Funktionen, Fastperiodizität und Banachdichte
- 2005-04-06
- Libor Polak
- On varieties, generalized varieties and pseudovarieties of homomorphisms,
- 2005-03-18
- D. Dikranjan , L. de Leo , J.-M. Deshouillers , V. Sós and A. Biró
- Minicolloquium on Topological Groups and Number Theory abstract
- 2005-01-21
- Helmut Länger
- Permutationspolynome auf beschränkten Verbänden mit einer antitonen Involution
- 2005-01-17
- Ali Reza Assar
- Commutative Algebra, algebraic varieties and schemes V
- 2005-01-14
- Martin Goldstern
- Ramsey-Paris-Harrington und der Clone T2
- 2004-12-17
- Martin Goldstern
- Monoidale Intervalle im Klonverband abstract
- 2004-12-16
- Ali Reza Assar
- Commutative Algebra, algebraic varieties and schemes IV
- 2004-12-03
- Thomas Pichler
- Ergodische Ramsey Theory - Eine Einführung abstract
- 2004-11-26
- Wolfgang Palfinger
- Identitäten bezüglich der Gruppenkonjugation abstract
- 2004-11-25
- Ali Reza Assar
- Commutative Algebra, algebraic varieties and schemes III
- 2004-11-23
- Gerhard Dorfer
- Habilitationskolloquium: Über das Gitterprofil von Pseudozufallszahlfolgen
- 2004-11-11
- Ali Reza Assar
- Commutative Algebra, algebraic varieties and schemes (continued)
- 2004-11-05
- Martin Goldstern
- Wohlquasiordnungen und die Anzahl der Gödellogiken abstract
- 2004-10-22
- Michael Pinsker
- Die maximalen symmetrischen Clones über einer abzählbaren Grundmenge
- 2004-10-15
- Ali Reza Assar
- Commutative Algebra, algebraic varieties and schemes.
- 2004-09-03
- Michael Pinsker
- Clones on Infinite Sets
- 2004-09-03
- Hajime Machida
- Clones as Centralizers of Monoids
- 2004-08-24
- Maciej Maczynski
- On some properties of matrices arising in the theory of quantum observables
- 2004-07-09
- Andrzej Kisielewicz
- Graphical Complexity of Permutation Groups
- 2004-06-25
- Hassan Aly
- RSA with a small number of cycles
- 2004-06-25
- Arne Winterhof
- Stream ciphers and number theory: Sidelnikov sequences abstract
- 2004-06-18
- Wolfram Hojka
- Das Fundamentalgruppoid einer proendlich verklebten Schar topologischer Räume
- 2004-06-17
- Zhi-Wei Sun
- On Disjoint Systems of Residue Classes or Cosets of Subgroups abstract
- 2004-06-04
- Christian Steineder
- Lacunarity and the Bohr Topology
- 2004-05-28
- Josef Šlapal
- A digital analogue of the Jordan curve theorem
- 2004-05-14
- Gabriel Maresch
- Hartman-messbare Funktionen abstract
- 2004-05-03
- Anatolij Dvurecenskij
- Loomis-Sikorski's theorem for Boolean Algebras, and its generalizations
- 2004-04-23
- Mária Szendrei
- Finite F-inverse covers.
- 2004-04-02
- Wolfgang Eppenschwandtner
- Punktfreie Topologie und Anwendungen abstract
- 2004-03-19
- Reinhard Winkler
- Der Effekt gewisser Transformation auf Verteilungsverhalten von Folgen
- 2004-03-12
- Mathias Beiglböck
- Cantor-Bendixson Analyse und Anwendungen in der topologischen Dynamik
- 2004-03-05
- Reinhard Winkler
- Topologische Methoden in algorithmischer Zahlentheorie und diophantischer Analysis
- 2004-01-09
- Martin Goldstern
- Very many clones above the unary clone abstract
- {{{5}}}