Stefan Hetzl - Teaching
On this page you can find some information about my teaching and supervision activities including links and material for download. For a complete listing of current courses, please consult my TISS page. I can offer student projects, master's theses, and Ph.D. theses on various topics connected to my research interests. If you want more specific information, do not hesitate to contact me.
- Mathematisches Arbeiten für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik (winter terms 2023/24, 2024/25), lecture notes (in German)
- Diskrete und geometrische Algorithmen (winter terms 2018/19, 2020/21, 2022/23), lecture notes (in German)
- Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems (summer terms 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024), lecture notes
- Automata and Formal Languages (winter terms 2015/16, 2016/17, summer terms 2019, 2021, 2023), lecture notes
- Theoretische Informatik (summer terms 2014-2019, 2021, 2024) lecture notes (in German)
- Automated Deduction (summer terms 2015, 2016)
- Higher-Order Logic (summer terms 2012, 2013), lecture notes
- Mathematical Logic 2 (summer terms 2009, 2011)
- Logical Foundations of Inductive Theorem Proving (2024), Eighteenth International Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language, slides
- Proof Theory of Induction (2018), International Summer School for Proof Theory in First-Order Logic, slides
- Automata and Formal Lanuage Theory (2013), Ninth International Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language, slides
- Complexity of Algorithms (2011), Seventh International Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language, slides
Ph.D. Theses
- Fabian Achammer: t.b.d., in progress
Jannik Vierling: The limits of automated inductive theorem provers, 2024
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Sebastian Zivota: On formula equations and invariant generation, 2021
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Gabriel Ebner: Inductive theorem proving using tree grammars, 2021
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Simon Wolfsteiner: Grammatical Complexity of Finite Languages, 2020
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Master's Theses
Johannes Weiser: Subsystems of Open Induction, 2025
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Fabian Achammer: Decidability of Diophantine equations in a theory adjacent to IOpen, 2023
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Johannes Kloibhofer: A fixed-point theorem for Horn formula equations, 2020
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Jannik Vierling: Cyclic superposition and induction, 2018
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Hugo Moeneclaey: Expansion proofs for arithmetic, Stage M2, Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI), 2017
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Andreas Humenberger: Abstract proof structures, 2016
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Gabriel Ebner: Finding loop invariants using tree grammars, 2015
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Bernhard Mallinger: Interpolation in first-order logic with equality, 2014
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Sebastian Zivota: Cuts without quantifier alternations and their effect on expansion trees, 2014
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Bachelor's Theses
Manuel Schweigler: Proof Systems for Regular Expressions, 2025
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Tobias Leichtfried: A formal proof of the equivalence between pushdown automata and context-free grammars, 2025
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Fabian Wöhrer: Reversible Automata: Characterizations and Construction, 2024
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Florian Grünstäudl: The Beth Definability Theorem and the Complexity of Explicit Definitions, 2024
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Clara Pichler: The Tutte Polynomial, 2024
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Johannes Weiser: Varieties of rational languages and finite monoids, 2023
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Leopold Fajtak: Programmextraktion mittels Gödels Dialectica Interpretation, 2022
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Fabian Achammer: Eine Variante des DLS-Algorithmus zum Lösen von Formelgleichungen, 2020
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Martin Gius: Die Unentscheidbarkeit der k-Beweisbarkeit, 2019
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Markus Rinke: Die Kosten eines Zyklus sind ein Quadrat, 2019
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- Parham Shadman: The regular cover problem, 2024
- Andreas Halkjær From: Spin - Superposition with Structural Induction, 2019, internship report
- Jannik Vierling: AIP's induction axioms, 2017
- Alexander Birch Jensen: gaptic - Tactic-language for proof formalization, 2016, internship report
- Janos Tapolczai: Cut Introduction - Cut-Formulas with Multiple Universal Quantifiers, 2014
Seminar papers
- Johanne Müller Vistisen: NP-Completeness of the Smallest 1-Level Grammar Problem, summer term 2024
- Johannes Weiser: Complexity Bounds for Cut Elimination, summer term 2024
- Johannes Weiser: Star height of rational languages, summer term 2023
- Seminar on J. Krajíček: Proof Complexity, Cambridge University Press, 2019, summer term 2022:
- Seminar on R. Kaye: Models of Peano Arithmetic, Oxford University Press, 1991, winter term 2020
- Leo Brauner: Ordnungstypen von Nichtstandardmodellen der Peano-Arithmetik
- Stefan Schrott: Gaifmans Splitting Theorem
- Leopold Fajtak: Primmodelle, Typen und Enderweiterungen in PA
- Paul Hotzy: Untertheorien von PA
- Johannes Kloibhofer: Saturiertheit
- Seminar on H. Straubing: Finite Automata, Formal Logic, and Circuit Complexity, Springer, 1994, winter term 2019
- Stefan Schrott: Charakterisierung regulärer Sprachen und regulärer numerischer Prädikate durch logische Formeln
- Paul Hotzy: Modelltheoretische Spiele
- Tomáš Nagy: Endliche Halbgruppen
- Leo Brauner: Charakterisierungen der Sprachen in FO[<], FO[+1] und FO[Reg] mittels syntaktischem Monoid und Homomorphismus
- Lucas Unterberger: Modulare Quantoren
- Alexandra Bergmayr: Schaltkreiskomplexität
- Charlotte Jergitsch: Reguläre Sprachen und Schaltkreiskomplexität
- Markus Rinke: Der Gentzensche Hauptsatz, summer term 2019
- Seminar on N. Immerman: Descriptive Complexity, Springer, 1999, summer term 2018
- Johannes Kloibhofer: First-order Reduktionen
- Markus Peschl: Erfassung deterministischer Polynomialzeit mittels kleinsten Fixpunktoperatoren
- Martin Gius: Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé Spiele
- Alexander Kövesdi: Prädikatenlogik zweiter Stufe und der Satz von Fagin
Last Change: 2025-03-05, Stefan Hetzl