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Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 114:597-618, 2007.
M. Kuba and A. Panholzer, The left-right-imbalance of binary search trees,
Theoretical Computer Science, 370:265-278, 2007.
M. Kuba and A. Panholzer, Descendants in increasing trees,
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 13(1):\#8, 2006.
M. Kuba and A. Panholzer, Analysis of the total costs for variants of the Union-Find algorithm,
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
in: "2007 International Conference on the Analysis of Algorithms", Proceedings AH, 259-268, 2007.
M. Kuba and A. Panholzer, Limit laws for a class of diminishing urn models,
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
in: "2007 International Conference on the Analysis of Algorithms", Proceedings AH, 341-352, 2007.
M. Kuba and A. Panholzer, Analysis of insertion costs in priority trees,
in: "Proceedings of the Ninth ALENEX workshop and the Fourth ANALCO workshop", 175-182, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2007.
M. Kuba and A. Panholzer, Analysis of label-based parameters in increasing trees,
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
in: "Proceedings of the Fourth Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science", Proceedings AG, 321-330, 2006.
M. Kuba and A. Panholzer,
Enumeration results for alternating tree families
European Journal of Combinatorics, 31, 1751-1780, 2010.
M. Kuba and A. Panholzer,
Analysis of statistics for generalized Stirling permutations
accepted for publication in Combinatorics, Probability and Computing.
M. Kuba and A. Panholzer,
Bilabelled increasing trees and hook-length formulas
accepted for publication in European Journal of Combinatorics.
M. Kuba and A. Panholzer,
A unifying approach for proving hook-length formulas for weighted trees
M. Kuba and A. Panholzer,
Enumeration formulae for pattern restricted Stirling permutations
M. Kuba and A. Panholzer,
Limiting distributions for a class of diminishing urn models
M. Kuba, H. Mahmoud and A. Panholzer,
Analysis of a generalized Friedman's urn with multiple drawings
M. Kuba and S. Wagner,
Perfect matchings and k-decomposability of increasing trees
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 57, Art. B57a, 2008.
M. Kuba and H. Prodinger and C. Schneider, Generalized reciprocity laws for sums of harmonic numbers,
INTEGERS - Electronic journal of Combinatorial number theory, 8, A17, 2008.
M. Kuba and H. Prodinger,
On a reciprocity law for finite multiple zeta values
International Journal of Combinatorics, Article ID 153621, 13 pages, 2010.
M. Kuba and H. Prodinger,
A note on Stirling series
Integers - Electronic journal of Combinatorial number theory, 10, article A34, 393-406, 2010.
M. Kuba, On evaluations of infinite double sums and Tornheim's double series,
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 58, 2008.
M. Kuba,
A note on naturally embedded ternary trees
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 18 (1), paper P142, 2011.
M. Kuba and A. Varvak,
On Path diagrams and Stirling permutations
M. Kuba and S. Wagner,
Deterministic edge-weights in increasing tree families
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 19, 99-119, 2010.
- M. Kuba and S. Wagner, Perfect
matchings and k-decomposability of increasing trees, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire.
M. Kuba,
On functions of Arakawa and Kaneko and Multiple zeta functions
Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 4, 45-53, 2010.
M. Kuba,
Analysis of a class of Cannibal urns
accepted for publication in Electronic Notes in Probability.
M. Kuba,
On embedded trees and lattice paths
accepted for publication in Fundamenta Informaticae.
M. Kuba,
On Sampling without replacement and OK-Corral urn models
M.-R. Chen and M. Kuba,
On generalized Polya urn models
R. Kutzelnigg, Bipartie Random Graphs and Cuckoo Hashing ,
Proceedings of the Fourth Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science, 403-406, 2006.
R. Kutzelnigg, An Improved Version of Cuckoo Hashing: Average Case Analysis of Construction Cost and Search Operations,
Proceedings of the 19th IWOCA, 253-266, 2008.
R. Kutzelnigg, Random Biparite Graphs and their Application to Cuckoo Hashing ,
Ph. D. Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, 2008.
C. Lampl, P. Kirschenhofer and J. Thuswaldner, On a parameterized family of relative Thue equations, Publ. Math. Debrecen, to appear.
R. Langer, M. Schlosser and S. O. Warnaar, Theta functions, elliptic hypergeometric series, and Kawanaka's Macdonald polynomial conjecture ,
SIGMA 5 (2009), 055, 20 pp.
L. Lapointe and Y. Le Borgne and P. Nadeau, A normalization formula for the Jack polynomials in superspace and an identity on partitions ,
Electron. J. Combin. 16(1) (2008), Art. R70.
G. Larcher and F. Pillichshammer,
A note on optimal point distributions in [0,1)^s, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 206: 977-985, 2007.
M. Lassalle and M. Schlosser, Inversion of the Pieri formula for Macdonald polynomials, Adv. Math. 202 (2) (2006), 289-325.
M. Lassalle and M. Schlosser, Recurrence formulas for Macdonald polynomials of type A,
J. Algebraic Combin. 32 (1) (2010), 113-131.
D. Lind, K. Schmidt and E. Verbitskiy
Entropy and growth rate of periodic points of algebraic $\mathbb{Z}^d$-actions
Dynamical Numbers: Interplay between Dynamical Systems and Number Theory , Eds. S. Kolyada, Yu. Manin, M. Moeller, P. Moree and T. Ward, Contemp. Math., American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I., 2010, pp. 195--211
D. Lind, K. Schmidt and E. Verbitskiy
Homoclinic points, atoral polynomials, and periodic points of alebraic $\mathbf{Z}^d$-actions
Preprint, 2011
- B. Loridant. Fundamental group of tiles associated to quadratic
canonical number systems. Math. Slovaca, 58(2), (2008), 241–251.
- B. Loridant and J. Luo. On a theorem of Bandt and Wang and
its extension to p2-tiles. Discrete Comput. Geom., 41(4), (2009), 616–642.
- B. Loridant. Fundamental
group of tiles associated to quadratic canonical number systems. Math. Slovaca, 58(2), (2008), 241–251.
- B. Loridant and J. Luo. On
a theorem of Bandt and Wang and its extension to p2-tiles. Discrete Comput. Geom., 41(4), (2009), 616–642.
- B. Loridant, J. Luo, and J. Thuswaldner. A
new criterion for disk-like crystallographic reptiles. 31(2), (2007),
- B. Loridant, J. Luo, and J. Thuswaldner. Topology
of crystallographic tiles. Geom. Dedicata, 128, (2007), 113–144.
- B. Loridant and J. Thuswaldner. Interior
components of a tile associated to a quadratic canonical number
system. Topology Appl., 155(7), (2008), 667–695.
- M. G. Madritsch. Additive
functions on pseudo-polynomial sequences. Journal de Théorie des
Nombres de Bordeaux. To appear.
- M. G. Madritsch. A note on
normal numbers in matrix number systems. Math. Pannon., 18(2), (2007),
- M. G. Madritsch. Asymptotic
normality of b-additive functions on polynomial sequences in number
systems. The Ramanujan Journal, 21, (2010), 181–210.
- M. G. Madritsch. Generating
normal numbers over Gaussian integers. Acta Arith., 135(1), (2008),
- M. G. Madritsch. Waring's
Problem with digital restrictions in Fq[X]. Mathematica Slovaca, 60,
(2010), 801– 810.
- M. G. Madritsch and A. Petho. Asymptotic
normality of additive functions on polynomial sequences in canonical number
systems. Journal of Number Theory. To appear.
- M. G. Madritsch and J. M. Thuswaldner. Weyl
sums in Fq[x] with digital restrictions. Finite Fields Appl., 14(4),
(2008), 877–896.
- M. G. Madritsch and J. M. Thuswaldner. Additive
functions for number systems in function fields. Finite Fields Appl.,
16(3), (2010), 204–229.
- M. G. Madritsch, J. M. Thuswaldner, and R. F. Tichy.
of numbers generated by the values of entire functions. J. Number
Theory, 128(5), (2008), 1127–1145.
- M. G. Madritsch and S. G. Wagner. A
central limit theorem for integer partitions. Monatshefte Math., 161,
(2010), 85–114.
G. Maresch and R. Winkler
Compactifications, Hartman functions and (weak) almost periodicity
Dissertationes Math. 461, 1-72, 2009.
B. Martin, C. Mauduit, and J. Rivat,
les Chiffres des Nombres Premiers
C. Martinez, A. Panholzer and H. Prodinger,
The analysis of Range Quickselect and related problems
accepted for publication in Theoretical Computer Science.
J. Morgenbesser,
The sum of digits of squares in Z[i],
Journal of Number Theory 130, 1433-1469, 2010.
J. Morgenbesser,
Square root singularities of infinite systems of functional equations,
DMTCS Proceedings of the AofA 2010, 513-526 2010.
J. Morgenbesser, Thomas Stoll, and Jeffrey Shallit
Thue-Morse at Multiples of an Integer,
Journal of Number Theory 131, 1498-1512, 2011.
J. Morgenbesser,
The sum of digits of [n^c],
Acta Arithmetica 148, 367-393, 2011.
J. Morgenbesser,
The sum of digits of Gaussian primes,
The Ramanujan Journal, to appear.
C. Martinez, A. Panholzer and H. Prodinger,
Generating random derangements
in: "Proceedings of the Tenth ALENEX workshop and the Fifth ANALCO workshop", 234--240, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2008.
H. Niederreiter and F. Pillichshammer
A construction algorithm for good extensible rank-1 lattice rules
Contr. Approx. 30: 361--393, 2009.
A. Panholzer and H. Prodinger,
Bijections between certain families of labelled and unlabelled d-ary trees
Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 3, 123-136, 2009.
A. Panholzer,
Left and right length of paths in binary trees or on a question of Knuth
Annals of Combinatorics, 12, 479-492, 2009.
A. Panholzer and H. Prodinger,
A short proof of a series evaluation in terms of harmonic numbers
Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, 9, 491-496 (Paper A38), 2009.
A. Panholzer,
Analysis of some parameters for random nodes in priority trees
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 10(2), 1-38, 2008.
A. Panholzer, A distributional study of the path-edge covering numbers for random trees,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156:1036-1052, 2008.
A. Panholzer and H. Prodinger, The level of nodes in increasing trees revisited,
Random Structures & Algorithms, 31:203-226, 2007.
A. Panholzer, Cutting down very simple trees,
Quaestiones Mathematicae, 29:211-227, 2006.
A. Panholzer, Left and right length of paths in binary trees,
(Extended abstract).
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
in: "Proceedings of the Fourth Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science", Proceedings AG, 415-418, 2006.
A. Panholzer and G. Seitz,
Ordered increasing k-trees: introductions and analysis of a preferential attachment network model
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
in: "Proceedings of the 21st International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2010)", Proceedings AM, 549-564, 2010.
A. Panholzer and H. Prodinger,
Asymptotic results for the number of paths in a grid
accepted for publication in Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society.
A. Panholzer and G. Seitz,
Limiting distributions for the number of inversions in labelled tree families
A. Panholzer and G. Seitz,
Ancestors and descendants in evolving k-tree models
F. Pausinger and W. Ch. Schmid,
A lower bound for the diaphony of generalised van
der Corput sequences in arbitrary base b
Journal of Uniform Distribution Theory, 6, no 2, 31-48, 2011.
F. Pausinger and W. Ch. Schmid,
A good permutation for one-dimensional diaphony
Monte Carlo Methods and Appl. 16, 307-322, 2010.
F. Pillichshammer, Dyadic diaphony of digital sequences,
J. Th\'{e}or. Nombres Bordeaux, 19: 501-521, 2007.
F. Pillichshammer, Uniform distribution of sequences connected with the weighted sum-of-digits function,
Uniform Distribution Theory, 2: 1-10, 2007.
F. Pillichshammer,
Digital sequences with best possible order of $L_2$-discrepancy,
Mathematika, 53: 149-160, 2006.
F. Pillichshammer and G. Pirsic
The quality parameter of cyclic nets and hyperplane nets
Unif. Distrib. Theory 4: 69--79, 2009.
F. Pillichshammer and G. Pirsic
Discrepancy of hyperplane nets and cyclic nets
In: Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods 2008, pp. 573--587, Springer, Berlin, 2009.
F. Pillichshammer
Euler's constant and averages of fractional parts
Amer. Math. Monthly 117: 78--83, 2010.
F. Pillichshammer
Polynomial lattice point sets
In: Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods 2010, Springer, Berlin, to appear.
F. Pillichshammer and G. Pirsic
Extensible hyperplane nets
Finite Fields Appl. (to appear), 2011.
- G. Pirsic, J. Dick and F. Pillichshammer, Cyclic digital nets, hyperplane nets and multivariate integration in Sobolev spaces,
SIAM J. Num. Anal., 44: 385-411, 2006.
H. Rosengren and M. Schlosser, On Warnaar's elliptic matrix inversion and
Karlsson-Minton-type elliptic hypergeometric series
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 178 (2005), 377-391.
H. Rosengren and M. Schlosser, Elliptic determinant evaluations and the Macdonald identities for affine root systems, Compos. Math. 142 (4) (2006), 937-961.
M. Rubey, Nestings of Matchings and Permutations and North Steps in PDSAWs, math. CO, 11 pages.
M. Rubey, Extended Rate, more GFUN, J. Symbolic Computation 46 (2011), 889-903.
M. Rubey and C. Stump, Crossings and nestings in set partitions of classical types, Electron. J. Comb. 17 (2010),
Research Paper R120, 19 pp.
M. Rubey, Increasing and Decreasing Sequences in Fillings of Moon Polyominoes, Adv. Appl. Math. 47 (2011), 57-87.
M. Rubey, A combinatorial interpretation of Guo and Zeng's q-Faulhaber coefficients , math. CO, 6 pages.
- K. Scheicher, P. Surer, J. M. Thuswaldner, and
C. van de Woestijne. Generalised Canonical Number Systems
and Digit Systems (2011). ArXiv:1004.3729v1 [math.NT].
M. Schlosser, Abel-Rothe type generalizations of Jacobi's triple product identity,
Dev. Math. 13 (2005), 383-400.
M. Schlosser, Summation, transformation, and expansion formulas for multibasic theta hypergeometric series,
Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. (Kyungshang) 11 (2005), no. 1, 67-84; also in Proceedings of the Workshop Elliptic Integrable Systems (M. Noumi and K. Takasaki, eds.) Kyoto, RIMS, 2004; Rokko Lectures in Mathematics 18 (2005), 1-17.
M. Schlosser, Explicit computation of the q,t-Littlewood-Richardson coefficients
, Proceedings of the Workshop on Jack, Hall-Littlewood and Macdonald polynomials(V. Kuznetsov and S. Sahi, eds.) Edinburgh, ICMS, Sept. 23-26, 2003; Contemp. Math. 417 (2006), 335-343.
M. Schlosser, Summation formulae for noncommutative hypergeometric series
, 35 pages, submitted.
M. Schlosser, Noncommutative extensions of Ramanujan's 1-psi-1 summation
, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 24 (2006), 94-102.
M. Schlosser, Elliptic enumeration of nonintersecting lattice paths,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 114 (3) (2007), 505-521.
M. Schlosser, Macdonald polynomials and multivariable basic hypergeometric series
Vadim Kuznetsov Memorial Issue on Integrable Systems and Related
Topics, Sigma 3 (2007), 056, 30 pp.
- M. Schlosser,
A new
multivariable 6-psi-6 summation formula, Ramanujan J. 17 (3) (2008), 305-319.
- M. Schlosser,
Multilateral inversion of A_r, C_r and D_r
basic hypergeometric series, Ann. Comb. 13 (2009), 341-363.
- M. Schlosser,
A Taylor expansion theorem for an elliptic extension of the Askey-Wilson operator
,in Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials (D. Dominici and R. S. Maier, eds.), Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., Contemp. Math. 471 (2008), 175-186.
- M. Schlosser,
A noncommutative weight-dependent generalization of the binomial theorem, preprint.
K. Schmidt
Ergodic Theory and Number Theory: The Work of Elon Lindenstrauss
Internat. Math. Nachrichten 216 (2011), 1--13
K. Schmidt and E. Verbitskiy
Abelian sandpiles and the harmonic model
Comm. Math. Phys. 292 (2009), 721--759
K. Schmidt and E. Verbitskiy
New directions in algebraic dynamical systems
Regul. Chaotic Dyn. 16 (2011), 79--89
- N. S. Schmuck, S. G. Wagner and H. Wang, Greedy trees,
caterpillars, and Wiener-type graph invariants, to appear in MATCH
Commun. Math. Comput. Chem..
- A. Siegel and J. M. Thuswaldner. Topological properties
of Rauzy fractals. No. 118 in Mém. Soc. Math. Fr. (N.S.) (2009).
V. Sirvent and J. Thuswaldner, On the $k$-bonacci Mandelbrot set,
Christian Steineder,
Subword complexity and projection bodies
Adv. Math. 217 (2008),2377-2400.
- W. Steiner and J. Thuswaldner. Rational
self-affine tiles. Submitted.
S. Steinerberger and F. Pillichshammer
Average distance between consecutive points of uniformly distributed sequences
Unif. Distrib. Theory 4: 51--67, 2009.
T. Stoll, Decomposition of perturbed Chebyshev
polynomials, J. Comp. Appl. Math., to appear.
T. Stoll, Complete decomposition of Dickson-type recursive polynomials and a related Diophantine equation,
J. Number Theory, to appear.
T. Stoll, On a problem of Erdös and Graham concerning digits, Acta Arith. 125 (2006), 89-100.
- T. Stoll and R. F. Tichy. Diophantine equations for
Morgan-Voyce and other modified orthogonal polynomials. Math. Slovaca, 58,
(2008), 11–18.
G. Strasser
Generalisations of the Euler Adic
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 150 (2011), 241--256
C. Stump, Non-crossing partitions, non-nesting partitions and Coxeter sortable elements in types $A$ and $B$, submitted.
Paul Surer,
Characterisation results for Shift Radix Systems
Mathematica Pannonica 18 (2007), no. 2, 265 - 297.
- P. Surer. e-Shift Radix Systems and radix representations with
shifted digit sets. Publ. Math. Debrecen, 74(1-2), (2009), 19–43.
- E. Teufl and S. G. Wagner. The
number of spanning trees in self-similar graphs. Ann. Comb., 15(2),
(2011), 355–380.
- E. Teufl and S. G. Wagner. The
number of spanning trees of finite Sierpinski graphs. In Fourth
Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science Algorithms, Trees,
Combinatorics and Probabilities, Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. Proc., AG.
Assoc. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., Nancy (2006), pp. 411–414.
- J. L. Thunder and M. Widmer. Counting
points of fixed degree and given height over function fields.
- J. Thuswaldner and V. Ziegler. On
linear combinations of units with bounded coefficients. Mathematika.
To appear.
- R.F. Tichy and S. Wagner, Algorithmic
generation of molecular graphs with large Merrifield-Simmons index,
MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer
Chemistry 59/1 (2008), 239-252.
- R. F. Tichy and M. Zeiner. Baire
Results of Multi-Sequences. Unif. Distrib. Theory, 5(1), (2010),
- R. F. Tichy and V. Ziegler. Units generating
the ring of integers of complex cubic fields. Colloq. Math., 109(1),
(2007), 71–83.
C.E. van de Woestijne, Noncanonical number systems in the integers,
J. Num. Th. 128 (2008), 2914-2938.
- C.E. van de Woestijne, The
structure of abelian groups supporting a number system (extended
abstract), Actes des rencontres du CIRM 1 (2009), 75–79.
- C. E. van de Woestijne, Number systems and the
Chinese Remainder Theorem, submitted.
- S. G. Wagner. Extremal
trees with respect to Hosoya index and Merrifield-Simmons index. MATCH
Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 57(1), (2007), 221–233.
- S. G. Wagner. Numbers
with fixed sum of digits in linear recurrent number systems. Ramanujan
J., 14(1), (2007), 43–68.
- S. G. Wagner. On an
identity for the cycle indices of rooted tree automorphism groups.
Electron. J. Combin., 13(1), (2006), Note 14, 7.
- S. G. Wagner. On the
number of decomposable trees. In Fourth Colloquium on Mathematics and
Computer Science Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities, Discrete
Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. Proc., AG. Assoc. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput.
Sci., Nancy (2006), pp. 301–308.
- S. G. Wagner. On tries,
contention trees and their analysis. Ann. Comb., 12(4), (2009),
- S. G. Wagner. Waring's
problem with restrictions on q-additive functions. Math. Slovaca,
59(3), (2009), 339–348.
- S. G. Wagner, H. Wang, and G. Yu. Molecular
graphs and the inverse Wiener index problem. Discrete Appl. Math.,
157(7), (2009), 1544–1554.
- M. Widmer. Lipschitz
class, Narrow class, and counting lattice points. Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc. To appear.
- M. Widmer. On certain
infinite extensions of the rationals with Northcott property. Monatsh.
Math., 162, (2011), 341–353.
- M. Widmer. On number fields
with nontrivial subfields. Int. J. Number Theory, 7, (2011), 341–353.
- M. Widmer. Small
generators of function fields. J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux, 22, (2010),
R. Winkler
Hartman sets, functions and sequences - a survey
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 49, 517-543, 2007.
R. Winkler
A little topological counterpart of Birkhoff's ergodic theorem
Uniform Distribution Theory 5, 157-162, 2010.
R. Winkler
Upper semicontinuity of set valued functions and a topological counterpart of Birkhoff's ergodic theorem
- A. Winterhof and C.E. van de Woestijne, Exact solutions to Waring's
problem for finite fields, Acta Arith. 141 (2010),
- M. Zeiner. Convergence
properties of the q-deformed binomial distribution. Appl. Anal.
Discrete Math., 4(1), (2010), 66–80.
- M. Zeiner. On
a family of q-binomial distributions. Submitted.
- V. Ziegler. On
Thue equations of splitting type over function fields. Rocky Mountain
J., 40, (2010), 723–747.
Y. Zhang
Ergodicity of $\mathbf{Z}^2$ extensions of irrational rotations
Studia Math. 204 (2011), 235--246
Y. Zhang
Multiplicative Diophantine exponents of hyperplanes and their nondegenerate submanifolds
J. Reine Angew. Math. (to appear)