I gave a short talk on the topic "How
many Gödel logics are there?" at the workshop
"Fuzzy logics -- analytic proof methods and semantics", which took place
May 5-6, 2000 at the
Institut für Computersprachen,
TU Wien.
On April 28, 2000, I gave a talk "Mengenlehre: Hierarchie
der Unendlichkeiten" (Set Theory: Hierarchy of Infinities) at the
ÖMG-Lehrerfortbildungstag (an event organized by the
Mathematical Society, for the further education of high school teachers).
Slides for the talk are available in
dvi and
PostScript format, and a version of my talk
will also be published.
I gave a series of 4 talks on descriptive set theory and
Shoenfield's absoluteness theorem
at the traditional "Winter school
in set theory and topology" in
Zahradky (u Ceske Lipy, north of Prague)
in the Czech republic,
(Jan 29-Feb 5, 2000)
From Dec 12 to Dec 18, 1999 I participated in the Set Theory week
On Nov 29 and Dec 1, 1999, I gave two talks on
"Logic and interpolation in lattices"
in Budapest (Academy of Sciences and Technical University).
In September 1999 I gave a talk at
the annual meeting of the Austrian Mathematical society,
which took place in Graz, Austria, Sep 20-24.
In August 1999 I gave a talk on clones at the
Algebra conference in honor of
Ervin Fried, which took place in Budapest, Hungary,
17-21 August, 1999.
I gave a talk at the conference
Infinite combinatorics and their impact on algebra
in Hattingen, Germany, which took place from June 26
to July 2, 1999.
I gave a plenary talk on "Set Theory and Lattice Theory"
at the conference
AAA 58, which
took place in Vienna, June 3-6, 1999. A
version of this talk has now been
in the
Proceedings of AAA 58.
The slides I used are available as
In October 1998 I gave a talk on the result
There are no order-polynomially complete lattices
after all
in our weekly algebra seminar at TU Wien.
I gave a short talk on "Interpolation in lattices"
on Aug 25, 1998, at the
ICM 98 -- International Congress of Mathematicians (there is a
in Austria )
which took place from Aug 18 to Aug 27 in Berlin, Germany,
In September 1997, I gave an invited talk on
Logik und Naive Mathematik
(in German)
at the
annual meeting
of the Austrian Mathematical Society
in Salzburg.