About me.

I am a set theorist and my main research interests lie in the areas of inner model theory, determinacy axioms and descriptive set theory, as well as their relationships and connections to other areas of logic.

I am Associate Professor at TU Wien in the Institute for Discrete Mathematics and Geometry and currently the PI of the FWF START project Y1498 and the international FWF project I6087. Moreover, I am a member of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) and I serve as the Editor for Thesis Abstracts for the Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.

I am very glad to lead and work with this fantastic group of researchers.

Key achievements: Proving a conjecture of Sargsyan on the consistency strength of a model of determinacy in which all sets of reals are universally Baire. Development of a new translation procedure to obtain an iterable inner model with a limit of Woodin and strong cardinals. With Sargsyan: Development of a derived model representation for the Sealing model and applications towards generic absoluteness for Chang models. With Aguilera: Determination of the large cardinal strength of determinacy of projective games of length $\omega^2$. With Carroy and Medini: Analysis of the full Wadge hierarchy under determinacy and application to solve a problem in general topology.

Recent and upcoming talks.

Abstracts for older talks can be found here. For a general introduction to my work, you can watch the Young Academy Distinguished Lecture I gave jointly with Jan von Plato and W. Hugh Woodin at the Austrian Academy of Sciences on October 9, 2024. Here are some pictures and a short report of the event (in German).

If you are interested in a more technical introduction to my recent work, you can watch my talk at the 17th International Luminy Workshop in Set Theory.

Most recent publications.

More publications can be found here.

Current teaching.

PhD students

For information on the lectures and seminars I am teaching please visit TISS and see here for previous semesters and for finished Bachelor as well as Master theses which I have advised.

Contact information.

E-Mail    sandra.mueller at tuwien dot ac dot at
Phone    +43 1 58801 10414

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sandra Müller
Forschungsgruppe Algebra (FG1)
Institut für Diskrete Mathematik und Geometrie, TU Wien
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/104
1040 Wien

You can find me in office number DA 05 B19. This is on the 5th floor in the green area of TU Wien's Freihaus building, close to the green elevators.