FWF LogoNational Research Network S9600
Analytic Combinatorics and Probabilistic Number Theory

Short Description

The National Research Network Analytic Combinatorics and Probabilistic Number Theory (2006-2011) is funded by the Austrian Science Foundation FWF and unites 11 research groups in Austria (at TU Wien, at the University of Vienna, at the TU Graz, at the University of Leoben, at the University of Linz and at the University of Salzburg).

A major aspect of the network is to employ young researchers as Pre- and Post-Docs. Furthermore we run a guest program and organize conferences, workshops and summer schools.

The topics of the network range from Combinatorics to Number Theory. These are classical parts of mathematics that are still modern and active fields of research. In particular, during the last decades the development of computer science has opened up new fields of applications (for example in Cryptography) and several new theoretical questions (like complexity problems for algorithms) have come up and have influenced the field of research. In parallel classical methods of combinatorics and number theory are more and more complemented by probabilistic and analytic tools and by tools from dynamical systems in order to quantify various objects of combinatorial and number theoretic nature.

This interplay between discrete and continuous mathematics and between theory and applications has turned out to be very fruitful and is the driving force of many recent developments.
