FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. tech. Markus Kuba-Kremser
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics
FH-Technikum Wien, 1200 Vienna, Austria
• Email: kuba@technikum-wien.at
HTL-Spengergasse, 1050 Vienna, Austria
"Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics." (Siméon-Denis Poisson ).
Since 2009 I am a full time secondary school teacher and lecturer. I started by teaching career at a so-called technical highschool, the Higher Technical Institute Spengergasse . My main subjects are mathematics and computer science.
I switched to part time employment in september 2011, because I also joined 2010 the FH-Technikum Wien
, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Natural Sciences as a lecturer of mathematics and statistics. In 2018 our institute was reorganised into the Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
Additionally, I also taught for three years as an external lecturer at the FH-Campus Wien , and I was a teaching assistant at the TU-Wien
for various exercise courses (Übungen).