FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. tech. Markus Kuba-Kremser
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics
FH-Technikum Wien, 1200 Vienna, Austria
• Email: kuba@technikum-wien.at
HTL-Spengergasse, 1050 Vienna, Austria
"In ungezählten Mühen wächst das Schöne" (Euripides).
Below you find my papers and preprints.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Descendants in increasing trees
Electronic journal of combinatorics, Volume 13, paper R8, 2006.
Markus Kuba. On Quickselect, partial sorting and Multiple Quickselect
Information Processing Letters, Volume 99, Issue 5, 2006. Availaible at IPL,
pdf, Preprint:
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Analysis of label-based parameters in increasing trees.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. The left-right-imbalance of binary search trees.
Theoretical Computer Science, 370:265--278, 2007.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Analysis of insertion costs in priority trees,
Proceedings of the ANALCO, 2007.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. On the degree
distribution of the nodes in increasing trees
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Volume 114, Issue 4, Pages 597-618, 2007.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Analysis of the total costs for
variants of the Union-Find algorithm.
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Proceedings AG, 257--266, 2007.
Availaible at DMTCS-dmAH0119.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Limit laws for a class of diminishing urn
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
339--349, 2007. Availaible at
Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Analysis of some exactly solvable diminishing urn models.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, 2007.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. On weighted path lengths and distances in increasing trees.
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 21:419--433, 2007.
Markus Kuba and Stephan Wagner. Perfect matchings and k-decomposability of increasing trees.
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 57., 2007
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. On edge-weighted recursive trees and inversions in random
Discrete Mathematics, Volume 308, Issue 4, 529-540, 2008.
Markus Kuba, Helmut Prodinger, and Carsten Schneider. Generalized reciprocity laws for sums of harmonic numbers.
Integers - Electronic journal of Combinatorial number theory, 8, A17, 2008.
Markus Kuba. On evaluations of infinite double sums and Tornheim's double series.
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 58, 2008. Availaible at
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Isolating a leaf in rooted trees via random cuttings.
Annals of Combinatorics 12, 81-99, 2008.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Isolating nodes in recursive trees.
Aequationes Mathematicae, 76:258--280, 2008.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Enumerating alternating tree families (extended abstract).
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Proceedings of FPSAC 2008, AJ, 105–-116, 2008. Availaible at
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. A combinatorial approach for analyzing the number of descendants in increasing trees and related parameters.
Quaestiones Mathematicae, 32 (1), 91–-114, 2009.
Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer and Helmut Prodinger. Lattice paths, sampling without replacement, and limiting distributions.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 16 (1), paper R67, 2009. pdf.
Cyril Banderier, Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Analysis of three graph parameters for random trees.
Random Structures and Algorithms. Volume 35, Issue 1, p. 42-69, 2009.
Markus Kuba and Stephan Wagner. Deterministic edge-weights in increasing tree families.
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing. Volume 19, issue 01, pp. 99-119, 2010.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. On the area under lattice paths associated with triangular diminishing urn models,
Advances in Applied Mathematics.
Volume 44, Issue 4, Pages 329-358, 2010.
Markus Kuba and Helmut Prodinger. On a reciprocity law for finite multiple zeta values.
International Journal of Combinatorics. Article ID 153621, 13 pages, 2010. pdf. See
ArXiv:0905.0350 [math.CO]
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. On the distribution
of distances between specified nodes in increasing trees
Discrete Applied Mathematics. Volume 158, Issue 5, 489-506, 2010.
Markus Kuba. On functions of Arakawa and Kaneko and Multiple zeta functions.
Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics. Volume 4, 45-53, 2010.
pdf. See
ArXiv:0903.4552 [math.NT]
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Enumeration results for alternating tree families,
European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 31, Issue 7, 1751-1780, 2010.
Markus Kuba and Helmut Prodinger. A note on Stirling series.
Integers - Electronic journal of Combinatorial number theory,
A34, 393-406, 2010. pdf.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. A combinatorial approach to the analysis of bucket recursive trees and variants.
Theoretical Computer Science. Volume 411, Issues 34-36, 3255--3273, 2010.
Stephan Wagner and Markus Kuba. On the distribution of depths in increasing trees.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 17, paper R137, 2010. pdf.
Markus Kuba. On Sampling without replacement and OK-Corral urn models.
Manuscript, 2010. pdf. See
ArXiv:1003.1603 [math.CO]
Svante Janson, Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Generalized Stirling permutations, families of increasing trees and urn models.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, Volume 118, 94-114, 2011.
ArXiv:0805.4084 [math.CO].
Markus Kuba. A note on naturally embedded ternary trees.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 18 (1), paper P142, 2011.
See also
ArXiv:0902.2646 [math.CO].
See A233389.
Markus Kuba. Diminishing urn models: Analysis of a class of Cannibal urns.
Electronic Notes in Probability. Vol. 16, pages 583-599, 2011 pdf.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Analysis of Statistics for generalized Stirling permutations.
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 20, 875–910, 2011. pdf.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Bilabelled increasing trees and hook-length formulas.
European Journal of Combinatorics 33, 248–258, 2012. pdf
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Limiting distributions for a class of diminishing urn models,
Advances in Applied Probability, 44, 1-31, 2012. pdf.
Markus Kuba. On embedded trees and lattice paths.
Fundamenta Informaticae, 116, 1-13, 2012. Extended preprint: pdf. See
ArXiv:0906.0450 [math.CO]
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. On death processes and urn models.
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings series AofA 2012, 29-42, 2012.
pdf. See ArXiv:1110.2425 [math.PR]
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Enumeration formulae for pattern restricted Stirling permutations.
Discrete Mathematics, Volume 312, Issue 21, 3179–3194, 2012. pdf
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. A unifying approach for proving hook-length formulas for weighted tree families.
Graphs and Combinatorics, Volume 29 Issue 6, 1839-1865, 2013. pdf
May-Ru Chen and Markus Kuba. On generalized Polya urn models.
Journal of Applied Probability Theory, Volume 50, Number 4, 909-1216, 2013. pdf.
See ArXiv:1106.4325 [math.PR]
Markus Kuba, Hosam Mahmoud and Alois Panholzer. Analysis of a generalized Friedman's urn with multiple drawings.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 161, Issue 18, 2968–2984, 2013. pdf.
Elie de Panafieu, Daniele Gardy, Bernhard Gittenberger and Markus Kuba. Probabilities of 2-Xor functions
Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Proceedings of LATIN 2014, volume 8392, 454--465, Berlin, Springer, 2014.
Preprint: pdf.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Multiple isolation of nodes in recursive trees.
Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics, Volume 9, 26 pages, 2014. pdf.
See ArXiv:1305.2880 [math.CO]
Markus Kuba and Hosam Mahmoud.
(a) Two-colour balanced affine urn models with multiple drawings I: central limit theorems.
Manuscript, 2015. See ArXiv:1503.09069 [math.PR]
(b) Two-colour balanced affine urn models with multiple drawings II: large-index and triangular urns.
Manuscript, 2015. See ArXiv:1509.09053 [math.PR]
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Combinatorial families of multilabelled increasing trees and hook-length formulas.
Discrete Mathematics, Volume 339, Issue 1, Pages 227–254, 2016. pdf.
See ArXiv:1411.4587 [math.CO]
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. On moment sequences and mixed Poisson distributions.
Probability Surveys, Volume 13, page 89-155, 2016. pdf.
See ArXiv:1403.2712 [math.CO]
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Combinatorial analysis of growth models for series-parallel networks.
(a) Proceedings of the AofA2016, 2016 (Extended Abstract). See ArXiv:1605.02307 [math.CO]
(b) Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 2018 (journal version). See ArXiv:1804.05150 [math.CO]
Markus Kuba and Hosam Mahmoud. Two-colour balanced affine urn models with multiple drawings
Advances in Applied Mathematics, Volume 90, Pages 1–26, 2017.
Comment: Union of manuscripts I and half of II with the same name
Markus Kuba and Henning Sulzbach. On martingale tail sums in affine two-color urn models with multiple drawings.
Journal of Applied Probability Volume 54, pages 1-21, 2017. See ArXiv:1511.01618 [math.PR]
Markus Kuba. Classification of urn models with multiple drawings.
Manuscript, 2017. See ArXiv:1612.04354 [math.PR]
Cristina Olaverri-Monreal, Javier Errea-Moreno, Alberto Diaz-Alvarez, Carlos Biurrun-Quel, Luis Serrano-Arriezu and Markus Kuba. Connection of the SUMO Microscopic Traffic
Simulator and the Unity 3D Graphic Engine to Evaluate V2X Communication-Based Systems.
Sensors 18(12), 4399, 2018.
Markus Kuba. A Note on the generating function of p-Bernoulli numbers.
Quaestiones Mathematicae, 2018. See ArXiv:1807.00889 [math.CO]
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. Stirling permutations containing a single pattern of length three.
The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics Volume 74(2), pages 216-239, 2019.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. A Note on Harmonic number identities, Stirling series and multiple zeta values .
International Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 15, No. 07, pp. 1323-1348, 2019. See ArXiv:1807.00711 [math.NT]
Michael E. Hoffman, Markus Kuba, Moti Levy and Guy Louchard. An Asymptotic Series for an Integral.
Ramanujan Journal, 2020. See ArXiv:1802.09214 [math.NT]
Michael E. Hoffman and Markus Kuba. Logarithmic integrals, zeta values, and tiered binomial coeffcients.
Monatshefte fuer Mathematik, feb. 2021. See ArXiv:1906.08347 [math.CO].
Markus Kuba and Anna L. Varvak. On Path diagrams and Stirling permutations.
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 82, june 2021.
ArXiv:0906.1672 [math.CO]
or pdf.
Markus Kuba and Alois Panholzer. On bucket increasing trees, clustered increasing trees and increasing diamonds.
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing. See ArXiv:2003.06450 [math.CO]
Markus Kuba. On multisets, interpolated multiple zeta values and limit laws.
Submitted. See ArXiv:1903.07346 [math.CO] (version 5, 23 Feb. 2021).
Markus Kuba. On multi-interpolated multiple zeta values.
Submitted. See ArXiv:2004.03117 [math.CO] (version 3, 3 Feb. 2022).
Cyril Banderier, Markus Kuba and Michael Wallner. Phase transitions of composition schemes:
Mittag-Leffler and mixed Poisson distributions
Submitted. See ArXiv:2103.03751 [math.PR]
"Arbeit ist sichtbar gewordene Liebe" (Khalil Gibran).
Urn models and tree families
Habilitation Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, 2013.
Analysis of node isolation procedure and label-based
parameters in tree structures
Ph. D. Thesis, written under the supervision of Alois Panholzer, Vienna University of Technology, 2006.
Multiple Quickselect und die Steinerdistanz in binären Suchbäumen
Master Thesis, written under the supervision of Alois Panholzer, Vienna University of Technology, 2004.
Cyril Banderier, May-Ru Chen, Elie de Panafieu, Daniele Gardy, Bernhard Gittenberger, Michael E. Hoffman, Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Svante Janson, Moti Levy, Guy Louchard, Hosam M. Mahmoud, Alois Panholzer, Helmut Prodinger, Carsten Schneider, Henning Sulzbach, Anna Varvak, Stephan Wagner, Michael Wallner; Cristina Olaverri-Monreal, Javier Errea-Moreno, Alberto Diaz-Alvarez, Carlos Biurrun-Quel, Luis Serrano-Arriezu.
Disclaimer: All items are copyrighted either by the author or the publisher. The files availaible on this website are preprints. For published papers, use the corresponding publications for the final version. The copyright for published papers is owned by the publishers. |