Conferences, Research Colloquia & Seminars,
Defenses, and other events
March 2025
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Geometry Seminar
This is the research seminar of the group and focuses
on recent research in (differential) geometry;
during the semester the seminar is usually scheduled
to take place on Wednesday at 16:00 in the
Seminarraum DB yellow 07.
If you are interested in giving a talk, please contact
the organizers:
Ivan Izmestiev.
Student Seminars
These seminars are usually part of the assessment
and are open to the public,
in particular, to interested students;
topics typically focus on geometry but cover a wider range
of areas, depending on the students' and the advisor's
Presentations are often delivered in German.
Summer term 2024 |
Talks in the geometry seminar
(hover/tap name or title to view more information)
- 27 Jun 2024: Geometry seminar
- Ilya Kossovskiy (Masaryk University in Brno and TU Wien):
Sphericity and analyticity of a strictly pseudo-convex hypersurface in
low regularity
It is well known that the sphericity of a strictly pseudoconvex
CR-hypersurface amounts to the vanishing of its Chern-Moser
tensor. The latter is computed pointwise in terms of the 6-jet
of the hypersurface at a point, and thus requires regularity of
the hypersurface of class at least C^6.
In our joint work with Zaitsev, we apply our recent theorem on
the analytic regularizability of a strictly pseudoconvex
hypersurface to find a necessary and sufficient condition for
the sphericity of a strictly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces of
arbitrary regularity starting with C^2. Further, we obtain a
simple condition for the analytic regularizability of
hypersurfaces of the respective classes. Surprisingly, despite
of the seemingly analytic nature of the problem, our technique
is geometric and is based on the Reflection Principle in SCV.
- 20 Jun 2024: Geometry seminar
- Denis Polly (TU Wien):
Linear Weingarten surfaces in isotropic spaces
According to a result by Burstall, Hertrich-Jeromin and Rossman,
linear Weingarten surfaces in Riemannian and Lorentian space
forms are the envelopes of isothermic sphere congruences with
constant curvature. This description is derived via the use of
Lie sphere geometry (LSG) and symmetry breaking to obtain
results about metric subgeometries of LSG. While this method
recovers all linear Weingarten surfaces in Riemannian and
Lorentzian space forms, surfaces in isotropic space, as
described by Strubecker, do not appear. Our goal is to close
this gap.
To this end, we introduce a way of breaking symmetry that has
not recieved much attention. This leads us to the study of
isotropic space forms and the linear Weingarten surfaces
therein. As an application we describe Weierstrass-type
representations for certain linear Weingarten surfaces in these
space forms.
- 13 Jun 2024: Geometry seminar
- Fabian Achammer (TU Wien):
Formula equations and the affine solution problem
Formula equations are certain kinds of equations whose solutions
are logical formulas.
They serve as a common framework for many different problems in
computational logic, ranging from software verification to
inductive theorem proving.
We start with a short introduction to mathematical logic and
computational problems, then introduce formula equations and
give a glimpse of their wide applicability.
In the main part of the talk we explore the solution of a
particular problem in the area of formula equations - the affine
solution problem - which translates into a problem about affine
Finally, we discuss some results surrounding a generalization of
the affine solution problem, which is still open, namely the
convex solution problem which is a computational problem about
convex polytopes.
- 06 Jun 2024: Geometry seminar
- Kiumars Sharifmoghaddam (TU Wien):
Rigid-foldable Quad Meshes with Control Polylines: Interactive Design and Motion Simulation
Generic discrete surfaces composed of quadrilateral plates connected by
rotational joints in the combinatorics of a square grid are rigid, but
there also exist special ones with 1-parametric flexibility. This
dissertation focuses on two particular classes of so-called T-hedra
(trapezoidal quad surfaces) and V-hedra (discrete Voss surfaces).
T-hedra can be thought of as a generalization of discrete surfaces of
revolution in such a way that the axis of rotation is not fixed at one
point but rather sweeping a polyline path on the base plane. Moreover,
the action does not need to be a pure rotation but can be combined with
an axial dilatation. After applying these transformations to the
breakpoints of a certain discrete profile curve, a flexible quad-surface
with planar trapezoidal faces is obtained. Therefore, the design space
of T-hedra also includes as subclasses discretized translational
surfaces and moulding surfaces beside the already mentioned rotation
surfaces. V-hedra are the discrete counterpart of Voss surfaces which
carry conjugate nets of geodesics. In discrete case the opposite
interior angles of a vertex star are equal. From a V-hedral vertex one
can always generate an anti-V-hedral vertex with the same kinematics, in
which the sum of corresponding opposite angles equal to pi and therefore
is a known case of valence four flat-foldable and developable origami
vertex. The author developed Rhino/Grasshopper plugins, implemented with
C-sharp, which make the design space of T-hedra, V-hedra and
anti-V-hedra accessible for designers and engineers. The main components
enable the user to design these quad surfaces interactively and
visualize their deformation in real time based on a recursive
parametrization of the quad-mesh vertices under the associated isometric
deformation. Furthermore, this research investigates semi-discrete
T-hedral surfaces and other topologies, such as tubular structures
composed of T-hedra.
- 23 May 2024: Geometry seminar (14:30 Dekanatsraum 9th floor)
- Georg Nawratil (TU Wien):
A global approach for the redefinition of higher-order flexibility and rigidity
The famous example of the double-Watt mechanism given by Connelly and Servatius [Higher-order rigidity - What is the proper definition? Discrete & Computational Geometry 11:193-200, 1994] raises some problems concerning the classical definitions of higher-order flexibility and rigidity, as they attest the cusp configuration of the mechanism a third-order rigidity, which conflicts with its continuous flexion. Some attempts were done to resolve the dilemma but they could not settle the problem. According to Müller [Higher-order analysis of kinematic singularities of lower pair linkages and serial manipulators. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 10:011008, 2018] cusp mechanisms demonstrate the basic shortcoming of any local mobility analysis using higher-order constraints. Therefore we present a global approach inspired by Sabitov's finite algorithm for testing the bendability of a polyhedron given in [Local Theory of Bendings of Surfaces. Geometry III, pp. 179-250, Springer, 1992], which allows us (a) to compute iteratively configurations with a higher-order flexion (e.g. all configurations of a given 3-RPR manipulator with 3rd-order flexion) and (b) to come up with a proper redefinition of higher-order flexibility and rigidity.
- 16 May 2024: Geometry seminar
- Martina Iannella (TU Wien):
Classification of non-compact $3$-manifolds
A classification problem consists of an equivalence relation on
some set of mathematical objects; a solution to such a problem
is an assignment of complete invariants. In this talk we
consider the problem of classifying non-compact 3-manifolds up
to homeomorphism from the perspective of descriptive set theory.
We first look at the parametrization of 3-manifolds as objects
of a Borel subset of a Polish space. We then discuss the
framework of Borel reducibility, a standard tool for comparing
the complexity of different classification problems, and present
our recent result which determines the exact complexity of the
classification of non-compact 3-manifolds up to homeomorphism.
This is joint work with Vadim Weinstein.
- 02 May 2024: Geometry seminar
- Niklas Affolter (TU Wien):
Discrete maximal Lorentz surfaces and incircular nets
Incircular nets (s-embeddings) were introduced by Chelkak as a
generalization of Smirnov's approach to study the conformal
invariance of the Ising model in the continuous limit. We build
upon the work of Chelkak, Laslier and Russkikh to present a
class of incircular nets that corresponds to discrete isothermic
surfaces in Lorentz space. As a special case, we identify
discrete maximal surfaces, which are discrete surfaces with
vanishing discrete mean curvature. In this way, we introduce a
result on the discrete level that was obtained by CLR in the
limit. We also introduce an associated family of discrete
maximal surfaces and the corresponding family of incircular
nets. Joint work with Dellinger, Müller, Polly, Smeenk and
- 25 Apr 2024: Geometry seminar
- Alessandro Andretta (University of Turin):
The Banach-Tarski paradox
One of the most surprising results of modern mathematics is the
following result proved by Hausdorff, Banach and Tarski:
the unit ball of the euclidean space can be partitioned in a
finite number of pieces so that these can be rearranged, using
rigid motions so to form two balls identical to the original.
The proof is non-constructive, relying on the Axiom of Choice,
and the pieces of the decomposition are inconceivably sharp and
Geometry plays a substantial role, as the core of the proof is
based on the existence of a free subgroup of the group of
(A similar result cannot be proved for the plane, i.e. it is not
possible to duplicate a disk.)
In this talk I will sketch the proof of the Banach-Tarski
paradox, and survey many related results that have been proved
in the following years.
18 Apr 2024: Geometry seminar
- Ivan Izmestiev (TU Wien): Cayley-Bacharach theorem and sums of squares
The Cayley-Bacharach theorem (first proved by Chasles) says that
if two cubics meet at nine points, then any other cubic passing
through eight of these nine points also passes through the
ninth. This theorem includes as special cases the Pappus and the
Pascal theorems.
The sums of squares problem was posed by Hilbert: can every
positive definite homogeneous polynomial of degree $2d$ in n
variables be represented as a sum of squares of polynomials of
degree $d$? While the answer is positive for $d=1$ and n arbitrary
as well as for d arbitrary and $n=2$, Hilbert has proved the
negative for $d=3$ and $n=3$. And a crucial point in his proof was
the Cayley-Bacharach theorem.
This talks is based on the articles by Eisenbud-Green-Harris and
- 21 Mar 2024: Geometry seminar
- Gudrun Szewieczek (TU Munich):
Discrete isothermic nets with a family of spherical parameter lines from holomorphic maps
Smooth surfaces with a family of planar or spherical curvature
lines are an active area of research, driven by both purely
differential geometric aspects and practical applications such
as architectural design. In integrable geometry it is a natural
question to ask which of these surfaces admit a conformal
curvature line parametrization and are therefore isothermic
It is an open problem to explicitly describe all those smooth
isothermic surfaces. However, over time, prominent examples were
found in this rich integrable surface class: above all Wente's
torus. More recently, further specific examples have led to the
discovery of compact Bonnet pairs and to free boundary solutions
for minimal and CMC-surfaces.
This talk covers a discrete version of the problem: we shall
generate all discrete isothermic nets with a family of spherical
curvature lines from special discrete holomorphic maps via the
concept of "lifted-folding".
In particular, we point out how this novel approach leads to
quasi-periodic solutions and to topological tori with
This is joint work with Tim Hoffmann.
- 14 Mar 2024: Geometry seminar (Sem.R. DB gelb 03)
- David Sykes (TU Wien):
CR Hypersurface Geometry, an Introduction
CR geometry concerns structures on real submanifolds in complex
spaces that are preserved under biholomorphisms. This talk will
present a light introduction to CR geometry of real
hypersurfaces. We will survey some of the area's major
classical results, namely solutions to local equivalence
problems of E Cartan, Tanaka, and Chern-Moser and their
applications. And we will preview some of the area's current-day
research trends related to Levi degenerate structures.
Winter term 2023/24 |
Talks in the geometry seminar
(hover/tap name or title to view more information)
- 29 Nov 2023: Geometry seminar 16:15
- Martin Kilian (TU Wien): Meshes with Spherical Faces
A truly Möbius invariant discrete surface theory must consider
meshes where the transformation group acts on all of its
elements, including edges and faces. We therefore systematically
describe so called sphere meshes with spherical faces and
circular arcs as edges. Driven by aspects important for
manufacturing, we provide the means to cluster spherical panels
by their radii. We investigate the generation of sphere meshes
which allow for a geometric support structure and characterize
all such meshes with triangular combinatorics in terms of
non-Euclidean geometries. We generate sphere meshes with
hexagonal combinatorics by intersecting tangential spheres of a
reference surface and let them evolve - guided by the surface
curvature - to visually convex hexagons, even in negatively
curved areas. Furthermore, we extend meshes with circular faces
of all combinatorics to sphere meshes by filling its circles
with suitable spherical caps and provide a re-meshing scheme to
obtain quadrilateral sphere meshes with support structure from
given sphere congruences. By broadening polyhedral meshes to
sphere meshes we exploit the additional degrees of freedom to
minimize intersection angles of neighboring spheres enabling the
use of spherical panels that provide a softer perception of the
overall surface.
- 22 Nov 2023: Geometry seminar
- Felix Dellinger (TU Wien): Orthogonal structures
In this talk we introduce a definition for orthogonal
nets based on equal diagonal length in every quad. This
definition can
be motivated through Ivory's Theorem and rhombic bi-nets. We
find that
non-trivial orthogonal multi-nets exist, i.e., nets where the
orthogonality condition holds for every combinatorial rectangle
present a method to construct them.
The orthogonality condition is well suited for numerical
Since the definition does not depend on planar quadrilaterals it
be paired with common discretizations of conjugate nets,
nets, geodesic nets, Chebyshev nets or principal symmetric nets.
gives a way to numerically compute prinicipal nets, minimal
developable surfaces and cmc-surfaces.
- 11 Oct 2023: Geometry seminar
- Sadashige Ishida (IST Austria): Area formula for spherical polygons via prequantization
I derive a formula for the signed area of a spherical polygon
via the
so-called prequantization. In contrast to the traditional
formula based on
the Gauss-Bonnet theorem that requires measuring angles, the
new formula
mimics Green's theorem and is applicable to a wider range of
spherical curves and polygons. I also explain that the classical
formula can
be recovered from a specific choice of prequantum bundle and
Events in former years
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