Conferences, Research Colloquia & Seminars,
Defenses, and other events
March 2025
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Geometry Seminar
This is the research seminar of the group and focuses
on recent research in (differential) geometry;
during the semester the seminar is usually scheduled
to take place on Wednesdays at 15:30 in the
(or, during times of a pandemic, online).
If you are interested in giving a talk, please contact
the organizers:
Ivan Izmestiev
Gudrun Szewieczek
Student Seminars
These seminars are usually part of the assessment
and are open to the public,
in particular, to interested students;
topics typically focus on geometry but cover a wider range
of areas, depending on the students' and the advisor's
Presentations are often delivered in German.
Summer term 2020 |
Talks in the geometry seminar
Winter term 2019/2020 |
Talks in the geometry seminar
- Wed 22/1/2020, Jonas Tervooren (TU Wien)
Isothermic contrained Willmore tori
- Wed 15/1/2020, Gudrun Szewieczek (TU Wien)
Ribaucour families of discrete R-congruences
- Wed 8/1/2020, Sergey Agafonov (São Paulo State University)
Hexagonal geodesic 3-webs
- Wed 18/12/2019, Susana Duarte Santos (Universidade de Lisboa)
Families of cycles and their envelopes
- Wed 4/12/2019, Tobias Langscheid (Paul Schatz Stiftung Basel)
Innovation durch Inversion, die Zukunft liegt in den Archiven
- Wed 27/11/2019, Fritz Manhart (TU Wien)
On the geometry of the affine shape operator
- Wed 20/11/2019, Jan Legersky (JKU Linz)
On the Classification of Motions of Paradoxically Movable Graphs
- Wed 6/11/2019, Alexander Fairley (TU Berlin)
Nets of planar quadrilaterals with touching inscribed conics
- Wed 30/10/2019, Sanjay Ramassamy (Paris)
Integrability of Miquel dynamics on circle patterns
- Wed 23/10/2019, Wai Yeung Lam (University of Luxembourg)
Quadratic differentials and circle patterns on complex projective tori
- Wed 2/10/2019
Group meeting
- Thu 12/9/2019, Shintaro Akamine (Nagoya University, Japan)
Duality of boundary value problems for minimal and maximal surfaces
Events in former years
External Links