26th International Meeting on
Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic
Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms

Strobl, Austria
June 8-12, 2015

Registration Fees

The participation to the AofA'15 conference is subject to the following registration fees:

Students Regular
Early payment (before May 1'st, 2015) 90 € 120 €
Late payment (from May 1'st, 2015) 120 € 150 €

These fees cover the attendance to all sessions, the coffee breaks, the excursion and the conference dinner. Additionally, participants have to pay for the accomodation (appr. 65 € per day for a single room, full accommodation, appr. 55 € per day per person in a double room, full accommodation). This payment should be done on the spot in the Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildug.

The conference dinner fee and the excursion fee for accompanying person is 25 € respectively.

You can pay the conference fee by bank transfer:

  • Account Owner: Technische Universität Wien
  • Bank name: Unicredit Bank Austria AG
  • IBAN: AT 96 1200 0514 2900 1618
  • Make sure the money transfer contains your name and the name of the conference: AofA15.

You can pay via credit card (Visa, Master Card or American Express). Fill out the form and fax it to +43-1-58801-10499.