The scientific program of the conference starts on Sunday, September 25 at noon and lasts until Wednesday, September 28 noon. Within the conference there will be plenary-talks, minisymposia on special topics and two special sessions for teachers. 

Overview of the Program


Plenary Talks

Vicent Caselles (Universitat Pompeu-Fabra, Barcelona)  (Abstract)
Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting and Applications

Franc Forstneric
(Univ. Ljubljana)
What is an Oka manifold? (Slides)

Christoph Helmberg (Chemnitz University of Technology)
A View on Graph Laplacians from the Perspective of Semidefinite Optimization (Slides) 

Barbara Kaltenbacher (Univ. Klagenfurt)
Inverse problems: Some technical applications and some regularization techniques 

Daniel Kráľ (Charles Univ. Prague)

Algebraic versions of the graph Removal Lemma

Pavol Quittner (Comenius University Bratislava)
Singularity and decay estimates of solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations via scaling and Liouville-type theorems (Abstract)


"Algebraic and topological graph theory"
Organizers: Roman Nedela (Banska Bystrica), Tomasz Pisanksi (Ljubljana)

"Combinatorics and Graph Theory"
Organizers: Michael Drmota (Vienna), Jan Kratochvil (Prague), Marc Noy (Barcelona), Oriol Serra (Barcelona)

"Euro Giga Session"
Joint session of the minisymposia "Algebraic and topological graph theory"  and "Combinatorics and Graph Theory"

"Complex Analysis"
Organizers: Bernhard Lamel (Wien), Franc Forstneric (Ljubljana), Martin Kolar (Brno)

"Nonlinear PDEs - modelling, computations, applications."
Organizers: Karol Mikula (Bratislava), Michal Benes (Prague), Vicent Caselles (Barcelona),  Otmar Scherzer (Vienna)

"Operator theory"
Organizers: Vladimir Mueller (Prague), Janko Bracic (Ljubljana)

"Oscillation and spectral theory of differential and difference equations"
Organizers: Ondrej Dosly (Brno), Roman Simon Hilscher (Brno), Gerald Teschl (Vienna)

"Uncertainty modelling" minisymposium homepage
Organizers: Josef Arlt (Prague), Magda Komornikova (Bratislava), Radko Mesiar (Bratislava)

"Geometry, Analysis and Mathematical Physics"
Organizers: Xavier Gracia (Barcelona), Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof (Wien), Olga Krupkova (Ostrava & Melborne)

"Innovative time integrators"
Bojan Orel (Ljubljana), Alexander Ostermann (Innsbruck)

"Categorical Algebra, Homotopy Theory, and Applications"
Organizers: Carles Casacuberta (Barcelona), Jiri Rosicky (Brno), Jan Trlifaj (Prague)