ALEA in Europe Young Researcher's Workshop

Vienna, Austria
September 6-9, 2016


Preliminary timetable

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:00 Course 1-1
Cécile Mailler
Course 2-1
Élie de Panafieu
Course 3-1
Rika Yatchak
Course 1-3
Cécile Mailler
10:00-10:30 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
10:30-11:30 Course 1-2
Cécile Mailler
Course 2-2
Élie de Panafieu
Course 3-2
Rika Yatchak
Course 2-3
Élie de Panafieu
11:30-12:30 Long talk 1
Tomack Gilmore
Long talk 2
Robin Sulzgruber
Open Problems 3 Course 3-3
Rika Yatchak
12:30-14:00 Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break
14:00-15:00 Short talks 1
Emma Yu Jin
Maciej Bendkowski
Short talks 2
Manjil Saikia
Dorottya Beringer
Short talks 3
Matthieu Dien
Martin Zeiner
15:00-16:00 Course 1-Exercises Course 2-Exercises Course 3-Exercises
16:00-16:30 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
16:30-18:00 Open problems 1 Open problems 2 Open problems 4


Tomack Gilmore

Holey matrimony: marrying two approaches to the dimer problem

In this talk I will discuss two different methods for counting dimer coverings on the hexagonal lattice and show how these may be combined in order to enumerate rhombus tilings of hexagons that contain holes (also known as holey hexagons).

Robin Sulzgruber

The complexity of the Novelli-Pak-Stoyanovskii algorithm

The Novelli-Pak-Stoyanovskii algorithm is a sorting algorithm for Young tableaux that was originally devised to give a direct bijective proof of the celebrated hook-length formula for the number of standard Young tableaux of a given shape. I will recall this algorithm and present some new results on its average and worst case complexity, some bijective and some asymptotic in nature. I will also give a crash course on making an educated guess.

Emma Yu Jin

Open Problems on Hook formulas for skew shapes

The classical Hook-length formula for the number of Standard Young tableaux was discovered by Frame, Robinson and Thrall in 1954.\\ By now it has numerous proofs: probabilistic, bijective, analytic, geometric, etc. In 2014, Naruse remarkably found a Hook-length formula for the number of skew Young tableaux and in 2015, Morales-Pak-Panova provided an algebraic and a combinatorial proof of Narase's formula. In this talk I will present Morales-Pak-Panova's results and their open problems on the hook-length formula for skew shapes.

Maciej Bendkowski

Quantitative aspects of normal-order reduction in combinatory logic

We present a quantitative basis-independent analysis of combinatory logic. Using a general argument regarding plane binary trees with labelled leaves, we generalise the results of David et al. and Bendkowski et al. to all Turing-complete combinator bases proving, inter alia, that asymptotically almost no combinator is strongly normalising nor typeable. We exploit the structure of recently discovered normal-order reduction grammars showing that for each positive n, the set of SK-combinators reducing in n normal-order reduction steps has positive asymptotic density in the set of all combinators. Our approach is constructive, allowing us to systematically find new asymptotically significant fractions of normalising combinators. We show that the density of normalising combinators cannot be less than 34%, improving the previously best lower bound of approximately 3%. Finally, we present some super-computer experimental results, conjecturing that the density of normalising combinators is close to 85%.

Matthieu Dien

On the combinatorics of concurrent programs

In this talk, I will propose to take a combinatorial point of view of what is a concurrent process. Then I will present some combinatorial models of concurrent processes, using the symbolic method, and show some results obtained by analytic combinatorics methods. To conclude, I will introduce an original operator (for the symbolic method) and present some use cases.

Manjil Saikia

Graphical Condensation and Counting Perfect Matchings of Planar Graphs

The method of graphical condensation was devised by Eric Kuo to compute the number of perfect matchings of planar bipartite graphs. This was subsequently generalized by Mihai Ciucu for planar graphs. We briefly survey these results and present our common generalization of both Kuo and Ciucu's results. If time permits, we shall present few applications of the result in computing tilings of some combinatorial regions.

Martin Zeiner

Broadcasting in random trees

Dorottya Beringer

On percolation critical probabilities and unimodular random graphs

There are several definitions of percolation critical probability, which have turned out to be equivalent for transitive graphs. We investigate the relationship between these different definitions when the graph is an ergodic unimodular random graph, which is the natural extension of transitivity to the disordered setting. We give certain conditions, which imply the equality of the critical probabilities, and we show by examples, that some of the critical probabilities can be distinct.