
Intuitive Design Exploration of Constrained Meshes

X. Zhao, C.C. Tang, Y.L. Yang, H. Pottmann and N. Mitra


Based on the recent work of Yang et al. [2011], we propose several intuitive tools to quickly create new architectural freeform shapes starting from a single input design, while conforming to a set of prescribed constraints and optimizing for specified quality measures. We allow the user to control the final shape by prescribing desirable curves on the final shape, access the desirable regions of the constrained mesh manifold using smartly selected 2D mappings, and computationally generate multiple design alternatives that satisfy the user hints. These tools allow the designer to intuitively navigate the constrained mesh manifold and pick desirable shapes using a design gallery interface. We demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed tools using various case studies.


    AUTHOR = {Zhao, Xin and Tang, Cheng-Cheng 
              and Yang, Yong-Liang and Pottmann, Helmut},
     TITLE = {Intuitive Design Exploration of Constrained Meshes},
    Editor = {Lars Hesselgren and others},
 BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Architectural Geometry 2012},
 PUBLISHER = {Springer},
      YEAR = {2013},
     PAGES = {305-318},