Robust feature classification and editing
Y.-K. Lai, Q.-Y. Zhou, S.-M. Hu, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann


Sharp edges, ridges, valleys and prongs are critical for the appearance and an accurate representation of a 3D model. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that deals with the global shape of features in a robust way. Based on a remeshing algorithm which delivers an isotropic mesh in a feature sensitive metric, features are recognized on multiple scales via integral invariants of local neighborhoods. Morphological and smoothing operations are then used for feature region extraction and classification into basic types such as ridges, valleys and prongs. The resulting representation of feature regions is further used for feature-specific editing operations.


	title = "Robust Feature Classification and Editing",
	author = "Yu-Kun Lai and Qian-Yi Zhou and Shi-Min Hu and
		Johannes Wallner and Helmut Pottmann",
	volume= 13,
	number = 1,
	pages = "34-45",
	year = 2007,
	journal = "IEEE Trans. Vis. Comp. Graphics",
