Algebra Seminar talk

Farmer Schlutzenberg
Large cardinals, inner models and the Axiom of Choice

The usual axioms of mathematics (ZFC) are incomplete, leaving even basic properties of simply definable sets of real numbers undecided (for example, their Lebesgue measurability). Large cardinal axioms posit the existence of "large" infinite sets with transcendent properties. They form a natural hierarchy of extensions of ZFC. A key insight, which arose about half a century ago, was that large cardinals have profound implications for the nature of the real numbers, deciding various questions left unanswered by ZFC. This phenomenon is intertwined with the existence of canonical structures, or inner models, which satisfy ZFC + large cardinal axioms. These inner models are highly orderly, satisfying strong versions of the Axiom of Choice and the Continuum Hypothesis, for example. But in contrast to this, recent work suggests the coherence (in ZF without Choice) of large cardinals so strong that they violate the Axiom of Choice.