General Information
This is the website of the research seminar of the Computational Logic Group at the
Institute of Discrete Mathematics and
Geometry of TU Wien. The seminar
usually takes places on Wednesdays from 10:00 to 11:00 in the
Zeichensaal 1, 8th floor, green area.
The seminar is
organised by E. Fokina and
S. Hetzl.
If you want to receive talk announcements by e-mail, please subscribe to the
mailing list of this seminar on its
administration page.
Preliminary Programme
- March 5, 2025
Manuel Schweigler (TU Wien)
title: Proof Systems for Regular Expressions
We are interested in proving equations between regular expressions by applying
substitutions defined by a set of axioms. The key insight of this thesis is
that there exists no finite axiom system that can be used to prove all valid
equations. To show this, we assume there exists such a finite proof system. By
generalizing this system to a certain axiomatization, we can construct an
equation that cannot be derived by this system.
Furthermore, we introduce two alternative proof systems that implement a finite
axiomatization by introducing special transformations. Lastly, we analyze the
complexity of proving the equality of regular expressions.
- March 12, 2025
Ellen Hammat (TU Wien)
title: t.b.a.
- March 19, 2025
Miguel Aguilar
title: t.b.a.
- March 26, 2025
title: t.b.a.
- February 21, 2025
Dominik Kirst (IRIF, Université Paris Cité)
title: Applied Synthetic Computability Theory: Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem and Post's Problem
Traditionally, computability theory is based on a notion of computable functions
induced by concrete models like Turing machines, lambda calculus, or general
recursion. While these models are well-studied, they only provide a somewhat
secondary explanation of computability, at times obscuring the simple
computational essence of abstract constructions and constituting a notorious
burden for mechanisation in a proof assistant. In this talk, I will give an
overview of synthetic computability theory as introduced by Richman and Bauer,
offering an elegant alternative: at the price of giving up on some principles of
classical reasoning, computability becomes a primitive notion, even
internalisable by the axiom that every function is computable. After discussing
this general framework in the context of constructive mathematics, I will
describe some recent work on Gödel's incompleteness theorem and Post's problem,
both developed synthetically in constructive type theory and mechanised in the
Coq proof assistant.
- January 22, 2025
Guillaume Massas (SNS Pisa)
title: Possibility Structures and (Almost) Choice-Free Model Theory
Possibility semantics is a semantic framework in which formulas are evaluated at partial states rather than maximally determined points. Although the name originates from an alternative to Kripke semantics for modal logic (Humberstone 1981), possibility semantics can also be developed for classical first-order logic (Van Benthem 1981, Holliday 2021). The resulting framework of possibility structures has natural ties to forcing and Boolean-valued models in set theory, and to sheaf semantics in topos theory. In this talk, I will present some recent results regarding the development of a model theory for possibility structures in which the Axiom of Choice plays a much smaller role than in standard Tarskian semantics. In particular, I will discuss versions of the standard preservation theorems of basic Tarskian model theory (such as the Los-Tarski theorem), and introduce the notion of a generic power as a more constructive counterpart to the standard notion of an ultrapower.
- January 15, 2025
Tobias Leichtfried (TU Wien)
title: A formal proof of the equivalence between pushdown automata and context-free grammars
We introduce pushdown automata and context-free grammars and their
associated language classes. We then provide a formalization
of these definitions in the interactive proof assistant Lean.
Furthermore, we show that this two language classes are equal
and provide a formalized proof of this fact in Lean.
- December 18, 2024
Franziskus Wiesnet (TU Wien)
title: Material Interpretation and Constructive Analysis of Maximal Ideals in ℤ[X]
We explore the constructive characterization of all maximal ideals in ℤ[X],
which serves as a case study for the concept of the "Material Interpretation".
Starting with a classical proof, we demonstrate how it can be transformed into
a constructive proof, potentially leading to stronger statements. The Material
Interpretation provides an alternative proof interpretation, transforming
statements of the form A → B into ¬A ∨ B, where ¬A represents a constructively
stronger form of the negation of A. We will discuss the theoretical foundations
of this approach as well as its formalization as Python program and in some
proof assistance such as Agda and Lean, which is still a work in progress.
Finally we will show further applications and discuss future work on the
material interpretation.
- December 11, 2024
Dino Rossegger (TU Wien)
title: On the descriptive complexity of equivalence relations arising in model theory
In this talk we survey various results shedding light on the complexity of equivalence relations arising
in countable model theory. We will see that the elementary embeddability quasi-order on countable
graphs and its associated equivalence relation, elementary bi-embeddability, are analytic complete
with respect to Borel reducibility, that the Borel complexity of the models of a first-order theory is
partially characterized by the quantifier complexity of its optimal first-order axiomatization, and
study the complexity of the isomorphism relation on linear orderings and models of Peano arithmetic
via a rigorous Scott analysis. Additionally we will mention connections to algorithmic properties of these equivalence relations.
( Vorstellungsvortrag von Hrn. Dino Rossegger - Habilitationswerber an der
Fakultät für Mathematik und Geoinformation, angestrebtes
Habilitationsfach: "Mathematik" )
- November 6, 2024
Liling Ko (TU Wien)
title: Chip-firing on countably-infinite graphs
Chip-firing is a single-player game played on an undirected graph. Each vertex of the graph contains some natural number of chips. If the vertex has more chips than neighbors, it can be played by sending one chip to each neighbor, changing the distribution of chips on the graph. The game is typically played on finite graphs. We study this game in an infinite setting, allowing graphs to be countable with complex structure. We investigate variants of the game that are meaningful in the infinite setting and study the computational complexities of winning strategies on computable graphs. We also consider the computational complexities of determining which chip distributions are achievable.
This work is joint with David Belanger, Damir Dzhafarov, Justin Miller, and Reed Solomon.
- October 23, 2024
Leonardo Pacheco (TU Wien)
title: Feedback computation and reflecting ordinals
Feedback Turing machines are Turing machines which can query a halting oracle which has information on the convergence or divergence of feedback computations. To avoid a contradiction by diagonalization, feedback Turing machines have two ways of not converging: they can diverge as standard Turing machines, or they can freeze. A natural question to ask is: what about feedback Turing machines which can ask if computations of the same type converge, diverge, or freeze?
We define \alpha-th order feedback Turing machines for each computable ordinal \alpha. We first describe feedback computable sets using inductive definitions. We also briefly comment on the relation between feedback computable sets and Gale-Stewart games. At last, we describe feedback computable sets using the \alpha-reflecting ordinals of Lubarsky.
This is joint work with Juan P. Aguilera and Robert S. Lubarsky. Some of the results I will talk about are in the paper "Higher-Order Feedback Computation" (
- October 16, 2024
David Cerna (CAS ICS)
title: One is all you need: Second-order Unification without First-order Variables
We introduce a fragment of second-order unification, referred to as
Second-Order Ground Unification (SOGU), with the following properties: (i) only
one second-order variable is allowed, and (ii) first-order variables do not
occur. We study an equational variant of SOGU where the signature contains
associative binary function symbols (ASOGU) and show that Hilbert's 10th
problem is reducible to ASOGU unifiability, thus proving undecidability. Our
reduction provides a new lower bound for the undecidability of second-order
unification, as previous results required first-order variable occurrences,
multiple second-order variables, and/or equational theories involving
length-reducing rewrite systems. Furthermore, our reduction holds even in the
case when associativity of the binary function symbol is restricted to power
associative, i.e. f(f(x,x),x)= f(x,f(x,x)), as our construction requires a
single constant.
- October 11, 2024, 13:00 - 14:00, Zeichensaal 1
Jan von Plato (Helsinki)
title: On normal derivability in Gödel-Löb logic
Gigi Bellin published
in 1985 a proof of normalization for a system of natural deduction
for the Gödel-Löb provability logic GL, but his very involved proof
seems to have remained unread. A clear and simple proof of
normalization is given, the crux of which is a conversion algorithm
that reduces several instances of the modal rule with the same
diagonal formula into one.
- October 2, 2024
Johannes Weiser (TU Wien)
title: Subsystems of Open Induction
It was shown that open induction often constitutes an upper bound as to what
automated theorem provers can prove. In this presentation, we will consider
subsystems of open induction over inductive datatypes. In particular, we will
deal with arithmetics, lists and general inductive datatypes. We will give
examples of when there is an alternative axiomatization of open induction and
when open induction collapses to a lower level (e.g. induction over literals).
Last Change: 2025-03-04, Stefan Hetzl.