Welcome to the homepage of: VU Mathematical Methods of Visual Computing!
Here you can find informations for the following topics
Please register via TISS (not TUWEL!).
Period for registration: 31.03., 08:00 - 08.04., 23:59.
This course is a VU, which means a lecture (Vorlesung) combined with an exercise class (Übung)!
The final grade depends on the number of solved exercises, the performence in the exercise classes and the written final exam.
For a positive grade three criteria must be fulfilled:
a) The sum of the number of solved exercises (max. 72 possible) and the performence in the exercise classes (max. 28 points possible) must be at least 40/100. | |
b) The score for the final exam must be at least 40/100 points. | |
c) The total score must be at least 110/200 points. |
The written final exam takes place in June, after the lectures are finished (see TISS).
If you do not pass the final exam, then it is possible to take it again at the end of the semester (the exact date can be found in TISS). If someone is unable to take the final exam, a reasoned excuse will be required! The final exam can then be taken at the end of the semester.
The lecture part takes place in blocks. It starts at the end of March and ends at the end of May.
The lecture begins on Monday March, 31st 2025 at 1:00 p.m. at EI 2 Pichelmayer HS - ETIT.
Times and places
Monday, 13:00-14:30, EI 2 Pichelmayer HS - ETIT,
Wednesday, 13:00-14:30, EI 2 Pichelmayer HS - ETIT.
Change of dates:
will be announced here (if necessary).
The slides will be uploaded here.
The base for the lecture is the book Mathematik für Informatik (in German),
published by
Heldermann, 4. Edition 2014.
For the course "Mathematical Methods of Visual Computing" we will cover the sections
6.2 - 6.4 and 8.1 - 8.6.
During the exercise classes we will solve problems covering the current matreial in the lecures. Attendance is mandatory.
For each exercise, the students must prepare the announced problems as homework and present them during the exercise class. You can find out which problems need to be prepared when you log in via TISS and then switch to the corresponding TUWEL-course in the relevant course. The exercises are organized there as "Abgabetermine".
Please announce in time (08:00 a.m. at the day of the exercise class) via TUWEL which problems you have solved. You can then be selected to present your solution to these problems. ATTENTION: If you do not announce the solved problems in time, then you will not get credit for them! Announcing them at a later time is in general not possible!
If you are selected to present your solution, then you have to do so at the blackboard. You have to describe your solution and justify it. Try to use Theorems from the lecture and other problems from the exercise classes. Your explanations will be the main contribution to your performence in the exercise classes.
Dates and place
Thursday 16:00-18:00, Sem.R. DA grün 02 A
First exercise class: Thursday, 09.04.
Exercise class 1:
Th 09.04.:
Exercise class 2:
Th 30.04.
Exercise class 3:
Th 07.05.
Exercise class 4:
Th 14.05.
Exercise class 5:
Th 21.05.
Exercise class 6:
Th 28.05.