FWF Logo National Research Network S9600
Analytic Combinatorics and Probabilistic Number Theory

Project S9608 - Combinatorial Analysis of Data Structures and Tree-Like Structures

Principal Investigator

Alois Panholzer

Funded Researchers

Markus Kuba


The project is devoted to the following two main subjects. First we want to give mathematically well-founded average-case analyses for certain data structures that are of interest and relevance in computer science, but whose behaviours are up to now not very well studied. In contrast to the worst-case analysis, where one considers the unfavourablest case, one wants to examine the average behaviour of relevant parameters (running time, space requirements, etc.), which is often of more interest in practice.

Second we want to study important parameters of tree-like structures, which cannot be considered as data structures, but that are used as models in different fields of application (e.~g. for describing the spread of epidemics, modelling the growth of the internet, for pyramide schemes, etc.).